Scientific and creative heritage of Georgy Aleksandrovich Geniev
- Authors: Pyatikrestovsky K.P.1, Fedorova N.V.1, Kolchunov V.I.1,2
- Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
- South-West State University
- Issue: Vol 18, No 4 (2022)
- Pages: 351-374
- Section: Analytical and numerical methods of analysis of structures
- URL:
- DOI:
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G.A. Geniev, the founder of a scientific school in the field of continuum mechanics, structural mechanics, the theory of elasticity and creep, and the theory of the movement of a granular medium, is presented in an analysis of publications from the galaxy of remarkable Soviet and Russian scientists of the second half of the twentieth century. The author's scientific publications are systematized by research areas, and cover more than 50 years of his scientific work. The analysis covers his research from his PhD thesis on the load-carrying capacity of eccentrically compressed rods made of elastoplastic materials to his doctoral dissertation on the dynamics of bulk media, revealing this major scientist's multifaceted talent. The analysis of G.A. Geniev's scientific publications is based on the method of formalized description of the facts that determine the current development of scientific research in the field under consideration, comparison, and systematization of the facts under study.
About the authors
Konstantin P. Pyatikrestovsky
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4431-3899
Dr.Sc., Professor of the Department of Metal and Wooden Structures, Institute of Industrial and Civil Engineering
26 Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationNataliya V. Fedorova
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5392-9150
D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Architectural and Construction Design, Director of the branch in Mytishchi
26 Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationVitaly I. Kolchunov
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University); South-West State University
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5290-3429
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Head of the Department of Unique Buildings and Structures, Faculty of Construction and Architecture, Southwest State University; Professor of the Department of Reinforced Concrete and Stone Structures, Institute of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)
94 50 Let Oktyabrya St, Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation; 26 Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian FederationReferences
- Geniev G.A. Eccentric compression of rods made of an elastic-plastic material that does not work for health. Issues of Safety and Strength of Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1952. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Study of the bearing capacity of eccentrically compressed flexible reinforced concrete and reinforced masonry columns. Structural Mechanics Research. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1954. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Calculation of bonds of composite metal compressed-bent rods. Issues of Safety and Strength of Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1952. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the issue of studying the stability of flat elastically supported hinged chains. Structural Mechanics Research. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1954. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Study of the bearing capacity of eccentrically compressed reinforced concrete columns with rigid reinforcement. Structural Mechanics Research. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1954. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some questions of the theory of motion of a granular medium. Abstracts of Reports at a Meeting on the Theory of Elasticity. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR Publ.; 1954. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Theory of the steady motion of a granular medium. Study of Strength, Plasticity. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1955. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some issues of propagation of compression waves in soils. Research on the Theory of Plasticity and Strength. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1958. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Questions of the dynamics of a granular medium. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1958. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the motion of a viscous medium. Questions of the Theory of Plasticity and Strength of Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1961. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the question of methods for solving dynamic problems of the theory of plasticity. Studies in Structural Mechanics. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1962. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the question of plasticity conditions. Research on Structural Mechanics and the Theory of Plasticity. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1956. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some questions of the dynamics of viscoplastic media. Research on the Theory of Plasticity and Strength. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1958. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some questions of the dynamics of compressible plastic media under conditions of two-dimensional motions. I All-Union Congress on Mechanics. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Akademii Nauk SSSR Publ.; 1960. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some questions of the propagation of two-dimensional waves in compressible plastic media. Problems of the Theory of Plasticity and Strength of Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1961. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. To the question of the condition of plasticity of reinforced concrete. Calculation of Thin-Walled Spatial Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1964. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Tyupin G.A. Some questions of the theory of elasticity and plasticity of reinforced concrete in the presence of cracks. New Methods for Calculating Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1968. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Variant of the deformation theory of plasticity of concrete. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. 1969;(2):18. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On one version of the deformation theory of plasticity of concrete. Building Construction. Calculation of Structures. 1969;(1). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the question of the deformation theory of plasticity of a granular medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1971;(4). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Dolzhikov I.L. Issues of creep in a rigid elastic-plastic medium. New Methods for Calculating Building Structures. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Stroitel'stvu Publ.; 1971 (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Alikov Yu.A. A plane problem for the deformation theory of plasticity of reinforced concrete. Research on Building Structures. 1971;(19). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Integrals of the equations of plane strain slip lines for an ideally plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1972;(1). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. On the system of resolving differential equations in the spatial problem of an incompressible ideally plastic medium. Theory and Methods for Calculating Structures. 1972;(23). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On taking into account the time factor in the framework of the deformation theory of plasticity of concrete. Theory and Methods for Calculating Structures. 1972;(23). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of the spatial problem of the theory of flow under the condition of plasticity of a general form. Abstracts of Reports at the VI All-Union Conference on Strength and Plasticity. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1975. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Some questions of the statics of an ideally plastic medium. Studies in the Theory of Structures. 1975;(21). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Stress-strain state of an ideally plastic plate with a circular hole. Theoretical Research in the Field of Structural Mechanics of Spatial Systems. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1976. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On some relations between invariants in the theory of flow under the condition of plasticity of a general form. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1978;(2):43–44. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kalashnikov S.Yu. On the construction of incremental plasticity conditions. Bibliographic Index of Deposited Manuscripts. Moscow.; 1984. Deposited in VNIIIS 16 February1984, No. 4817. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Vulfson S.Z. Axisymmetric problem for a viscoplastic medium. Research on the Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1984. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kalashnikov S.Yu. Influence of stress gradients, geometry and scales of sections on the transition of bending elements to the plastic state. Studies in Structural Mechanics. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1985. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Samedov F.A. Axisymmetric deformation of a transversally isotropic ideally plastic medium. Studies in Structural Mechanics and Reliability of Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1986. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Theory of three-dimensional separated flows of an orthotropic ideally plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1991;(1):3–8. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Quasi-static problem of plane steady flows of an anisotropic viscous-plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1992;(4):3–9. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the issue of concrete strength conditions. Research on the Theory of Plasticity and Strength. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1958. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kissyuk V.N. To substantiate the conditions for the strength of concrete. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1962. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kissyuk V.N. To the question of generalization of the theory of concrete strength. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. 1965;(2):16–29. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A., Erkhov M.I. Theory of strength of building materials and structures. Review of the State and Application of Structural Mechanics Methods in Construction. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1976. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Karpenko N.I., Luksha L.K., Yashin A.V. State and prospects for the application of theories of the strength of concrete and reinforced concrete in practical calculations of planar and massive structures, including taking into account the formation and development of cracks. Abstracts of the Report at the IX All-Union Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1983. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Method for determining the dynamic tensile strength of concrete. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. 1997;(4). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kurbatov A.S. Construction of strength criteria for anisotropic materials taking into account various failure mechanisms. Strength of Materials under Complex Stress State: Abstracts of the III All-Union Symposium. Kiev: ONTI IPP AN USSR Publ.; 1989. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Version of the theory of three-dimensional separated flows of an isotropic ideally plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1989;(6):16–19. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kurbatov A.S. On the Ultimate shear resistance of anisotropic materials in a triaxial stress state. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1991;(3):3–7. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Pyatikrestovskij K.P. Method for determining the dynamic strength of elastoplastic bodies. Industry of Building Materials and Construction Industry, Energy and Resource Saving in Market Relations (parts 6–7). Belgorod.; 1997. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A. On dynamic effects in rod systems made of physically nonlinear brittle materials. Industrial and Civil Engineering. 1999;(9):23–24. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Klyueva N.V. Calculation of physically and structurally nonlinear plate-rod spatial structures in transcendental states. Computer Modeling and Design of Spatial Structures. Moscow; 2001. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kolchunov V.I., Degtyar A.N. On the application of the direct method of probabilistic analysis to the problems of optimizing the reliability characteristics of reinforced concrete multi-span beams in case of instantaneous failure of individual structural elements. Collection of Scientific Papers of the Central Regional Branch of the RAASN. 2002;(1):3–8. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kolchunov V.I., Degtyar A.N. Issues of optimizing the reliability characteristics of reinforced concrete multi-span beams from the standpoint of their minimal failure. New Energy-Saving Architectural and Structural Solutions for Residential and Civil Buildings. Orel; 2003. p. 163–166. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Klyueva N.V., Kolchunov V.I. Calculation of dynamic actions in composite steel-reinforced concrete spatial coatings during their local destruction. Resource and Energy Saving as a Motivation for Creativity in the Architectural and Construction Process. Moscow, Kazan; 2003. p. 459–461. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kolchunov V.I., Vorobev E.D. Force resistance to modal loading of a curved reinforced concrete element. Bulletin of the Department of Building Sciences. 2004;(8):143–146. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kolchunov V.I., Klyueva N.V., Nikulin A.I., Pyatikrestovskij K.P. Strength and deformability of reinforced concrete structures under non-design impacts. Moscow: ASV Publ.; 2004. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A. On the influence of compliance of bases on their dynamic characteristics. Research on the Calculation of Shells, Rods and Massive Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1963. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On one version of the theory of granular medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1966;(6):000–000. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the question of setting a mixed problem of the theory of elasticity and statics of a granular medium. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1966;(5):000–000. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Issues of the movement of a viscous-flowing medium. Structural Mechanics. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1966. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the issue of generalization of the limit equilibrium condition for a granular medium. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1968;(2). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Polar-symmetric mixed problem of the theory of elasticity and limit equilibrium of a granular medium. New Methods for Calculating Building Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1968. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Dolzhikov I.L. On the determination of the boundaries of rigid, elastic and plastic regions in a granular medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1968;(5). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Balhavdarov Kh.A. Axisymmetric problem of dynamics for a coherent compressible granular medium. Scientific Research and Technical Progress at Mining Enterprises. Leningrad: Nauka Publ.; 1972. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Balhavdarov Kh.A. On one version of the characteristics of the equations of state of a granular medium in an axisymmetric quasi-dynamic problem. Development of Ore Deposits. Apatity: Izdatel'stvo Kol'skogo Filiala AN SSSR Publ.; 1973. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Practical method for determining ground movements caused by underground workings. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1977;(3):15. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. A variant of the strength condition for cohesive soils and rocks. Studies of the Stressed and Deformed State of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1977. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Spatial problem of the stress-strain state of soil massifs. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1978;(6):6–11. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Limiting state of an ideally free-flowing wedge under conditions of plane deformation. Research on the Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1982. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Blyumkin V.Ya. Axisymmetric problem of the deformed state of soil massifs in underground workings. Moscow; 1986. Deposited in VNIIIS. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Plane deformation of an anisotropic granular medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1986;(5):33–35. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the basic equations of statics and kinematics of an anisotropic granular medium. Research on the Strength and Reliability of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1988. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kerdikoshvili V.K. Determination of backfill pressure on pipes laid in trenches with vertical walls. Moscow; 1988. Deposited in VNIIIS, No. 9812. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Analytical description of the processes of vibrocompaction of concrete mixtures, modeled by a viscoelastic medium. News of Higher Educational Institutions. Construction. 1999;(6):28–32. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Evaluation of the influence of the characteristics of elasticity and viscosity of the soil on the intensity of the surface manifestation of shear seismic impact. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 1999;(6):8–11. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Experimental evaluation of rheological characteristics of soils with acceleration viscosity for seismological problems. Seismic-Resistant Construction. Building Safety. 2000;(1):36–38. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Mamaeva G.V. Propagation of seismic motion in two-layer soil media with different physical properties. Seismic-Resistant Construction. Building Safety. 2000;(6):21–23. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the influence of soil loosening on the displacement of the surface above underground loose workings. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. 2000;(6):2–5. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Chausov N.S. Some questions of the nonlinear theory of stability of shallow metal shells. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1954. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Chausov N.S Experimental study of the stability of shallow metal shells. Research on Structural Mechanics and the Theory of Plasticity. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1956. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the forms of buckling “coupling” and “spasm” of flexible cylindrical shells with an internal flow of liquid or gas. Abstracts of Reports at the VI All-Union Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Tashkent: Fan; 1986. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. Radial vibrations of cylindrical shells during the movement of an ideal fluid flow in them. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1987;(3):40–43. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Pressure of an internal flow of a viscous fluid on a circular shell with a slightly varying cross-sectional radius. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1988;(4):18–21. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Stability of equilibrium forms of closed cylindrical shells during helical motion of an ideal fluid flow in them. News of Higher Educational Institutions. Construction. 2000;(6):25–30. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Some problems of calculation of pneumostructures from soft materials. Studies in Structural Mechanics. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1962. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Questions of the theory of pneumatic shells. Proceedings of the IV All-Union Conference on the Theory of Shells and Plasticity. Yerevan: Izdatel'stvo AN Ar. SSR Publ.; 1964. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On one necessary condition in the theory of momentless pneumoshells. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1965;(3). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. The problem of the action of pressure in a cylindrical cavity of a concrete mass or in a thick-walled pipe. Research on the Calculation of Shells, Rods and Massive Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat Publ.; 1963. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kissyuk V.N. On the substantiation of the strength conditions for materials with different tensile-compression resistance. Research on the Calculation of Shells, Rods and Massive Structures. Moscow: Gosstrojizdat.; 1963. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Strength and deformability of structures using plastics. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Literatury po Stroitel'stvu Publ.; 1966. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Issues of strength and deformability of soil media. Study of the Strength of Structures Made of Inelastic Materials. 1969;(4). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kissyuk V.N. Issues of the strength of massive structures made of concrete and stone materials. Study of the Strength of Structures Made of Inelastic Materials. 1969;(4). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Dynamic problem of the theory of small elastic-plastic deformations. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1970;(6). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of slip lines of plane deformation of an ideally plastic medium. Building Construction. Calculation of Structures. 1970;(8). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Tyupin G.A. Some questions of the theory of plasticity of reinforced concrete. Building Construction. Calculation of Structures. 1970;(8). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the laws of propagation of deformation waves in concrete. Theory and Calculation of Structures. 1970;13:12–18. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Generalized plane problem for the deformation theory of plasticity of concrete. Building Construction. Calculation of Structures. 1970;(13). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Aksentyan G.A. On the construction of a two-dimensional will front in a prestressed elastoplastic medium. Building Construction. Calculation of Structures. 1970;(13). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Ehstri M.I. Dynamics of plastic and granular media. Moscow: Stroyizdat Publ.; 1972. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Spatial problem of the theory of the ultimate stress state of concrete. Issues of Calculation of Building Structures. 1972;(22). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Some issues of axisymmetric deformation of an ideally plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1973;(1). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Solving the equations of slip lines of plane deformations of n ideally granular medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1973;(5). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Questions of the dynamics of physically nonlinear continuous media. Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. 1974;(35). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the linear representation of the concrete strength condition. Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1974. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kissyuk V.N., Tyupin G.A. Theory of plasticity of concrete and reinforced concrete. Moscow: Stroiizdat Publ.; 1974. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Evaluation of the bearing capacity of systems of brittle materials based on the theory of solidifying media. Calculation of Building Structures. 1974;(36). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Spatial problem of the theory of plastic flow under the condition of plasticity of a general form. Studies in the Theory of Structures. 1976;(22). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of a three-dimensional problem of statics of a granular medium outside the concept of complete plasticity. Studies in the Theory of Structures. 1977;(23). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kisyuk V.N., Levin N.I., Nikonova G.A. Strength of Lightweight and Cellular Concrete Under Complex Stress Conditions. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1978. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Theoretical substantiation of the strength criterion of asbestos cement. Experimental and Theoretical Studies of Light Structures Made of Asbestos Cement and Wood. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1978. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A On the strength criterion of masonry under plane stress. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1979;(2). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A On the principle of equigradientity and its application to optimization problems of the stability of rod systems. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1979;(6). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. A variant of the wave theory of thermal conductivity of solids. Studies in the Theory of Structures. 1980;(24). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the criteria for the strength of wood in a plane stress state. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1981;(3). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Lejtes V.S. Questions of the mechanics of inelastic bodies. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1981. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the main physical dependencies of non-stationary thermodynamics. Studies in Structural Mechanics and Calculation Methods. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1981. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Plane deformation of an anisotropic ideally plastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1982;(3). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the comparative assessment of the strength conditions of real soils. Research on the Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1982. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On equations of motion and some problems for a coupled model of a continuous medium with variable viscosity. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1983;(5). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Equations of steady motions of an anisotropic ideally plastic medium under plane deformation. Issledovaniya po Raschetu Stroitel'nyh Konstrukcij i Nadezhnosti Sooruzhenij. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1984. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Voronov А.N. On the strength criteria of an orthotropic material such as masonry under a plane stress state. Research and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1985. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Transverse stability of closed cylindrical shells during the movement of an ideal gas flow in them. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1986;(4):36–39. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Transverse stability of closed cylindrical shells during the flow of an ideal fluid in them. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1986;(1). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Gogoladze R.V. Steady-state laminar motion of an incompressible pressure-viscous medium in cylindrical and prismatic tubes. Continuum Mechanics. 1986;(6):132–139. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Constitutive equations and functionals in flow theory for an extended class of inelastic media. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1987;(1):63–65. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Physical dependencies and constitutive equations for a baroelastic medium. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1987;(6):20–22. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kalashnikov S.Yu. On the construction of the equations of a plane problem of the incremental theory of elasticity. Studies in Structural Mechanics and Reliability of Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1986. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Blyumkin V.Ya. Physical dependencies and constitutive equations for a baroelastic medium deformed state of soil massifs above underground workings in conditions of axisymmetric and flat problems. Studies in Structural Mechanics and Reliability of Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1987. p. 4–12. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kalashnikov S.YU. On taking into account the influence of the inhomogeneity of the stress state on the transition of the material to the plastic state. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1988;(6):12–15. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. Influence of the variable added fluid mass on the radial vibrations of cylindrical shells. Research and Methods for Calculating Building Structures and Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1988. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. The spectrum of resonant frequencies of flexible pipelines during their interaction with liquid. Research on the Strength and Reliability of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1988. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. Forced vibrations of closed cylindrical shells during the movement of a pulsating flow of an ideal fluid in them. Strength and Reliability of Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1989. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. Nonlinear radial oscillations of cylindrical shells with an internal flow of an ideal gas. Dynamics of Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1990. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Zubkov A.N. On some issues of hydroelasticity of flexible vessels. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1990;(5):47–52. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of statics and kinematics of an anisotropic plastic medium with tear resistance. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1983;(2). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of dynamics of an anisotropic compressible plastic medium with shear resistance. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1984;(3). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the equations of dynamics of an anisotropic compressible plastic medium with tear resistance. Structural Mechanics and Analysis of Constructions. 1985;(5):29–33. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Voronov A.N. Technical theory of non-linear deformation of masonry under plane stress state. Research on Theory and Methods of Calculation of Building Structures. Moscow: Strojizdat Publ.; 1984. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Ezepov G.G. On the criteria for the strength of wood and their experimental justification. Deposited in VNIIIS. 1987;(2). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kurbatov A.S. Strength criteria for anisotropic materials taking into account different fracture mechanisms. Problems of Strength. 1991;(12). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kurbatov A.S., Samedov F.A. Issues of strength and plasticity of anisotropic materials. Moscow: Interbuk Publ.; 1992. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. Probabilistic aspects of the theory of strength of anisotropic materials. Bulletin of the Department of Building Sciences RAASN. 1996;(1). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On criteria for long-term strength of anisotropic materials. Construction. 1997;(9). (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Aliev M.M., Minnakhmetov R.G. Bearing capacity of anisotropic foundations of structures with variable adhesion and internal friction. Proceedings of the Almetyevsk Oil Institute. Almetyevsk; 1999. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Kurbatov A.S. On the influence of the duration of the load on the strength of the material. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. 1996;(4):19–22. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A. On the evaluation of dynamic effects in bar systems made of brittle materials. Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. 1992;(9):25–27. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A., Mamaeva G.V., Pyatikrestovskij K.P. On the physical modeling of concrete deformation processses under cyclic loading. Seismic-Resistant Construction. Building Safety. 2002;(1):23–26. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A., Stepashov N.E. Stress state of soil backfill in trenches with inclined walls. Quality, Safety, Energy and Resource Saving in The Building Materials Industry on the Threshold of the 21st Century: Collection of Reports of the International Scientific and Practical Conference (part 3). Belgorod: Belgtasm Publ.; 2000. p. 55–62. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A., Stepashov N.E., Kolchunov V.I., Nikulin A.N. Spatial structures of large-sized multi-purpose reinforced concrete pipes. Computer Modeling and Design of Spatial Structures. Moscow; 2001. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Stepashov N.E., Kolchunov V.V., Ossovskikh E.V. Field studies of a large-sized multi-purpose reinforced concrete pipe. Collection of Scientific Papers of the Central Regional Branch of the RAASN. 2002;(1):55–60. (In Russ.)
- Geniev G.A., Stepashov N.E., Kolchunov V.I., Nikulin A.I., Osovskikh E.V. Multi-purpose non-pressure ovaloid reinforced concrete pipes. Construction Materials, Equipment, Technologies of the 21st Century. 2002;(10):16–17. (In Russ.)
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- Geniev G.A., Kolchunov V.I., Nikulin A.I. Strength and crack resistance of large-sized thin-walled reinforced concrete pipes for underground pipelines. Spatial Structures of Buildings and Structures. 2004;(9):230–239. (In Russ.)