Seismic stability of vibration-insulated turbine foundations depending on the frequency composition of seismic impact
- Authors: Babsky A.E.1, Lalin V.V.2, Oleinikov I.I.1, Tarasov V.A.1,2
- Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
- Issue: Vol 17, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 30-41
- Section: Seismic resistence
- URL:
- DOI:
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The seismic resistance of vibration-insulated turbine foundations is a complex and multifaceted problem that includes many aspects. The turbine foundation is a special building structure that unites parts of the turbine and generator unit into a single machine and it is used for static and dynamic loads accommodation. The number of designed and constructed power plants in high seismic level areas is large and steadily growing. In addition, engineers and designers deal with the issue of the frequency composition of the seismic impact influence on the seismic resistance of vibration-insulated turbine foundations. Dynamic calculations were performed in Nastran software using time history analysis and the finite element method. The main criteria for the seismic resistance of a vibration-insulated turbine foundation are the values of the maximum seismic accelerations in the axial direction at the level of the turbine installation and the values of vibration-insulated foundation maximum seismic displacements (deformations of vibration isolators). The results of the calculation experiments proved a significant effect of seismic action frequency composition on the behavior of the vibration-insulated turbine foundations. Calculations of foundations, taking into account earthquakes of the same intensity, but with different values of the prevailing frequencies of the impact, lead to the differing by several times values of the maximum seismic accelerations at the turbine level and seismic displacements.
About the authors
Aleksandr E. Babsky
Author for correspondence.
chief specialist (Structural Dynamics) of the Construction Department - Turbine Island
82A Savushkina St, Saint Petersburg, 197183, Russian FederationVladimir V. Lalin
Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
Professor of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction of the Institute of Civil Engineering, Dr.Sc.
29 Politechnicheskaya St, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russian FederationIlia I. Oleinikov
design engineer of the Construction Department - Turbine Island
82A Savushkina St, Saint Petersburg, 197183, Russian FederationVladimir A. Tarasov
JSC ATOMPROEKT; Peter the Great Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University
graduate student of the Higher School of Industrial, Civil and Road Construction of the Institute of Civil Engineering
82A Savushkina St, Saint Petersburg, 197183, Russian Federation; 29 Politechnicheskaya St, Saint Petersburg, 195251, Russian FederationReferences
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