Experimental studies of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures strengthened with composite materials
- Authors: Frolov K.E.1
- RusHydro (Public Joint-Stock Company)
- Issue: Vol 15, No 3 (2019)
- Pages: 237-242
- Section: Experimental researches
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/structural-mechanics/article/view/21416
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/1815-5235-2019-15-3-237-242
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Relevance. During the operation process (first of all, long-term operation) of hydraulic structures, it becomes necessary to strengthen their reinforced concrete structures. In recent years, reinforcement of reinforced concrete structures has been used in industrial and civil construction by external reinforcement systems made of composite materials (for example, carbon materials). In this case, in hydraulic engineering construction there are only isolated examples of such amplification. Aims of research. Experimental studies of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures strengthened with external reinforcement from carbon materials presented in the article were carried out in order to substantiate the use of external reinforcement based on carbon materials (tapes and lamellae) to reinforce reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures. Methods. In order to carry out an experimental study of the strengthening of hydraulic structures with external reinforcement, reinforced concrete models of hydraulic structures of a beam type were made of carbon materials. At the same time, reinforced concrete structures with characteristic features of hydraulic structures, such as low concrete classes and reinforcement percentages (less than 1%), were adopted for modeling. Reinforced concrete models were strengthened with carbon ribbons and lamellae. Experimental studies were carried out under the action of a bending moment using standard methods. The increase in the strength of reinforced concrete structures due to their reinforcement with carbon ribbons and lamellae was determined. Results. The results of experimental studies of the strength of reinforced concrete structures of hydraulic structures without reinforcement and reinforced with carbon ribbons and lamellae under the action of a bending moment are presented. On the basis of the comparison carried out, the increase in the strength of reinforced concrete structures is determined by their reinforcement with carbon ribbons and lamellae.
About the authors
Kirill E. Frolov
RusHydro (Public Joint-Stock Company)
Author for correspondence.
Email: frolovke@gidroogk.ru
Engineer, Deputy General Director for Research and Development Activities; candidate for a scientific degree, Department of Hydrotechnical Structures, Institute of Amelioration, Water Management and Construction named after A.N. Kostyakov, Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
7 Malaya Dmitrovka St., Moscow, 127006, Russian FederationReferences
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