Main results of experimental studies of reinforced concrete structures of high-strength concrete B100 round and circular cross sections in torsion with bending

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Aim of the research to verify the proposed calculating apparatus and accumulate new experimental data on the complex resistance of reinforced concrete structures, experimental studies of such structures made of high-strength concrete of circular and circular cross-section were conducted at the testing base of the South-West State University. Method is experimental-theoretical. Results of experimental research the plots of the deflections and rotation angles, the dependency of deformations of concrete according to the testimony of the outlets of electrodesorption with respect to the calculated cross section 1-1. The main deformations of elongation and shortening of concrete were determined; the reinforcement was selected in such a way that in the stage preceding the destruction, it reached fluidity, so the stresses in the reinforcement are known. It is established that for reinforced concrete structures made of high-strength concrete of circular cross-section, as a rule, there is the development of two cracks, i.e. the round shape of the cross-section slightly reduces the concentration due to the structure of high-strength concrete. For the annular section there were several cracks, of which stands out the one on which the destruction occurs. On the steps preceding the destruction, this crack begins to prevail over the rest and has a maximum opening width. On the basis of experimental studies of reinforced concrete structures made of high-strength concrete of square and box sections, reliable data on the complex stress-strain state in the studied areas of resistance, such as: the values of the generalized load of cracking , and destruction ,, its level relative to the limit load; the distance between the cracks at different levels of cracking (up to the moment of destruction, as a rule, two or three levels are formed); crack widths at the level of the axis of the working armature, at a distance of two diameters from the axes of the armature and along the entire crack profile at various stages of loading, from which it follows that the crack opening at the level of the axis of reinforcement in 2-3 times less compared with the crack opening on the removal of 1.5-2 diameters of the working axis (longitudinal and transverse) reinforcement; the coordinates of the spatial formation of cracks; schematic drawings on tablets of education, development and opening of cracks of reinforced concrete constructions in torsion with bending. Thus, the experimental studies and the result provide an opportunity to test the developed computational model and its working hypotheses for assessing the resistance of reinforced concrete structures made of high-strength concrete in torsion with bending.

About the authors

Vladimir I Travush

Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

Author for correspondence.
SPIN-code: 6462-2331

D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice President

24 Bolshaya Dmitrovka Str., bldg. 1, Moscow, 107031, Russian Federation

Nikolay I Karpenko

Scientific Research Institute of Construction Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences

SPIN-code: 3027-2197

D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Laboratory

21 Lokomotivnyy Proezd, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation

Vladimir I Kolchunov

South-West State University

SPIN-code: 3990-0345

D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor

94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

Semen S Kaprielov

Research and Development, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev


D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Head of Laboratory

6 2-ya Institutskaya St., bldg. 5, Moscow, 109428, Russian Federation

Alexey I Dem’yanov

South-West State University

SPIN-code: 1447-1505

D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor

94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

Alexey V Konorev

South-West State University

SPIN-code: 2089-9130

D.Sc. in Technical Sciences, Professor

94 50 let Oktyabrya St., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2019 Travush V.I., Karpenko N.I., Kolchunov V.I., Kaprielov S.S., Dem’yanov A.I., Konorev A.V.

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