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The article presents the main types of geometrical and structural systems of steel frameworks of metal dome roofs. Based on the geometrical system, three main types of metal domes can be specified: ribbed domes, ribbed domes with rings, and lattice domes. Lattice domes can be cyclically symmetrical with repeating sectorial patterns, or geodesic, that are based on geodesic polyhedrons, inscribed in a sphere. Based on the structural system, the frameworks of ribbed domes can have single chord or dou- ble chord ribs. Geometric system of the framework of a large-span metal dome governs the method of its erection which in its turn defines the structural solutions for the elements of the framework and the sequence of their assembly. The paper describes the following methods of erection of large-span domes: erection by crane from the ground with temporary supports, placement of the complete structure or large elements of the dome, and cantilever erection. The examples of large-span metal domes built in different countries of the world are reviewed with respect to the method of construction used. General characteristics of the structural system of the framework of each dome are presented. The examples are used to demonstrate that the method of construction of a large-span metal dome roof is dependent on the geometric system of its framework. It is noted that metal domes are widely used as structural solutions for roofs of buildings of different types. It is noted that erection with temporary supports of different types, or ground assembly are mostly used for the construction of relatively low double layer domes, or high single-layer domes. For large-span double-layer metal domes of considerable high the method of cantilever erection is usually preferred.

About the authors


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University)(MGSU), Moscow, Russian Federation

Author for correspondence.

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor, Department of Metal and Wooden Structures, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU). Scientific interests: large-span metal dome roofs - geometric systems, structural systems, methods of construction, accuracy of assembly, computer simulation of mounting, research of assembly errors and initial internal forces, assessment of the stressstrain state

26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation


Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU), Moscow, Russian Federation


Postgraduate student, Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU). Scientific interests: the stress-strain state of large-span metal domes

26, Yaroslavskoye Shosse, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation


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