Now for the analysis mode of deformation of the majority shell of constructions of a building and machine-building structure use modern computer complexes such, as ANSYS, NASTRAN, ABACUS and others.
All these complexes have the convenient multipurpose interface, powerful library of finites elements, and in most cases effectively allow to investigate processes of deformation of constructions in linear and nonlinear statements.
At the same time it is not necessary to forget that adequacy of the received parameters is mode of deformation of constructions in the certain degree depends on those hypotheses, preconditions, models of elements of discretization, ways of approximation and other factors which are realized in this or that computer complex.
So, for example, all modern finites elements settlement complexes are based on the elements constructed on independent interpolation to procedure which essence consists that everyone of a component of a vector of displacement of an interior point of an element of discretization is interpolated through pivotal values of this components and other two component does not depend on modes values, that not always reduce to reception of acceptable results.
In present article view variants of reception interpolation expressions on an example of a finite element axially symmetric the loaded shell of rotation with six degrees of freedom in node and are considered, and high efficiency of algorithm with vector interpolation of displacement fields.