Dmitry S. Polyansky as a regional leader in the memories of Crimeans

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Dmitry S. Polyansky (1917-2001) is known as one of the CPSU and USSR leaders. He combined his membership in the Politburo of the Communist Party (1960-1976) with the posts of Russian PM, the Deputy and First Deputy Chairman of the all-union Government, the Soviet Minister of Agriculture (1958-1976). Later Polyansky served a SU ambassador in Japan and Norway (1976-1987). As a politic and state activist he was involved to number of odious events: the transfer of the Crimean Oblast (1954), the defeat of the Anti-Party Group (1957), the “Ryazan affair” (1960), the “Novocherkassk massacre” (1962), the Nikita S. Khrushchev’s

About the authors

Sergey Sergeevich Minchik

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Author for correspondence.

PhD, Assistant Professor, Chair of Russian and Foreign Literature


  1. Zen’kovich N.A. The Most Classified People. Biographical Encyclopedia. Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2002 (In Russ).
  2. Antonov V.I. The Names in the World Politics: a Mosaic of Portraits and Images (the second half of the XXth and the beginning of the XXI-st centuries). In 2 parts. P. II. Ulan-Ude: Publishing Department of the Buryat Scientific Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (Siberian Branch), 2010 (In Russ).
  3. Saloshenko VN. Firsts: Sketches for Portraits, or a Retrospective Look at the Activity of the First Secretaries of the Krasnodar Regional Committee of the AUCP(b) – CPSU for 54 years – from 1937 to 1991. Krasnodar: The North Caucasus, 2000 (In Russ).

Copyright (c) 2019 Minchik S.S.

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