No 1 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 13
- URL:
The Contradictions of the Modern Version of Russian Federalism: Instability of the System
In the article there considered contradictions of the modern version of the Russian federalism, as a political and politological problem. The authors made an attempt to present the problem of federalism at conceptually-analytical level as a certain ritual meaning of the certain form of a state system thereby its values substance becomes an object of analysis. Besides applied function of federalism it's necessary to see the process of its perception and acceptance by national multinational consciousness through a prism of stability of political process, political practice, actions of the state institutes of power, persons and leaders of the center and regions.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):23-34
The Great Coalition in the Federal Republic of Germany as a Counter-Crisis Tool and its Influence on Stability of Political Process
The article describes anti-crisis potential of the Great Coalition in Germany in context of its influence on political process. Being extraordinary phenomenon of political life the Great Coalition possesses effective tool to solve political crisis, as it's a long-term and stable decision provided by political agreement between partners in the coalition. The Great Coalition is a phenomenon of moderate policy, and it has positive sense from the perspective of stability of the political process.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):35-40
Intellect Migration: Origins, Consequences and Ways of Solution
The author touches upon the process of intellect migration in the modern Russia. In the article there shown that the consequences of brain drain constitute a menace for national security of the Russian Federation. The author proposes the ways to hold the brain drain process in Russia.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):41-47
Ethnopolitical Conflicts in Africa: Sources and Types. Part I
The article analyses main sources and types of etnopolitical conflicts in Africa. The author came to the conclusion that the nature of African conflicts is varied and defined by complicated complex of ethnic, confessional, socio-economic factors.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):48-58
Western Countries Influence on the Political and Military Situation in Tropical Africa in 1970-1980 (on the Example of the Democratic Republic of Congo)
The article is devoted to one of the important episodes of the DRCongo history - the massive conflict in Catanga province, which arose in the end of the 1970-ies with the name of The Shab wars. The author depicts the history and the dynamics of the conflict, analyses the interaction of the country, named Zaire at the time, with its Western partners - USA, Belgium and France, describes the acute moments of their struggle for areas of influence.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):59-66
Global Civil Society: the Formation of the New Actor of World Politics. Part II
The article is dedicated to the analysis of the emerging global phenomenon: the rise of global civil society as the new actor of world politics. The author suggests that the importance of global civil society as a third way between the State and the Free Market is especially high at the time of modern economic crisis. Global civil society organizations work out the new socio-political agenda for the world and new approaches to the global problems. This shaping society is full of conflicts and contradictions but its rapid development in the 1990-2000th is the milestone for developing of truly global politics.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):67-81
The Basic Directions of Conducting the Network War of the USA in the Conditions of Globalization
The article is dedicated to the actual problem of transformation of the USA political, economic, military and socio-cultural activity in the world. Instead of traditional methods of the USA to manipulate political actors and to weaken national and supranational elites there appear new ways of the network theory of network war typical of the modern information epoch. The main key of such a war is an information resource, which acts with the help of creation and strengthening of comprehensive network, which in its turn unites models and concepts of military strategy existing earlier into the unique system. With the help of such network the USA ruling political elite spreads its influence upon all the countries and regions of the world in all the spheres and levels of power.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):82-95
Non-Human Politics and the Dialogue of Vulnerability
In the given article the author broadens humanistic dimension of world politics and civilizational dialogue. The comprehension of the unity of ecosystem of our planet, international cooperation in protection of nature must overcome corrupted logic of political realism, global capitalism and utilitarianism and become the corner stone of civilizational dialogue in the modern post-crisis world.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):96-105
The Concept of Civilizations in Social Sciences
The study of civilizations is one of the central themes in political science, history, religion and other social sciences, which theoretical innovations have significantly improved the discourses of cultural and civilizational orientations of societies and states. The author believes that religion is an endemic factor in determining the most essentially contextual characteristics and trends of interaction between civilizations.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):114-122
Ethical Norms of Traditional Nomadic Culture as Bases for Political Behavior
This paper examines ethical bases for the national political behavior in the context of Kazakhstan. The author contends that in contrast to the Western emphasis on compliance with specified rules, the local culture outlines acceptable standards of behavior as defined by the tribe and demonstrated by its leader. The notion of freedom in Kazakh culture is not perceived as a symbol of progress neither for the individual nor the society as a whole.
Only by cultivating a sense of community, leader's actions would be viewed as standards to follow. So the collective nature of Kazakh nomadic-age ethics was congruent with Soviet interpretation of Marxism, which accounted for their convergence in the Soviet age. However, as the paper argues these moral bases ceased to reflect the reality of present-day Kazakhstan, which urges reconsidering its ethical norms for political behavior to be grounded on the new societal organization, national character, pursuit of individual wealth as a factor of progress, and the global information age.
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):123-128
On Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Political Science. 2011;(1):129-130