- Authors: Efanova E.V.1
- Volgograd State University
- Issue: Vol 20, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 417-426
- Section: Some actual problems of political science
- URL:
- DOI:
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Process of globalization has led to change of models of the global competition. During a new era a key way of impact on other state, than possession of nuclear weapon and military power, are tools of ”soft power”, namely economic success, cultural appeal of the country, ideological persuasiveness. The analysis of a number of national models of “soft power” (the USA, South Korea, China, Japan, the EU, Russia) shows that various states to seek to find unique instruments of influence on world system for the purpose of realization of national interests. As a result, on the basis of assessment internal (quality of life, safety) and external (investment attractiveness, a position on the international scene) resource potential in realization of tools of “soft power”, the available universal ratings of the states are designated.
About the authors
Elena Vladimirovna Efanova
Volgograd State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations, Political Science and Area Studies, Volgograd State University
Universitetskij prosp., 100, Volgograd, Russian Federation, 400062References
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