
Special issue theme (03/2024): call for papers!

Posted: 06.03.2023

SPECIAL ISSUE THEME (03/2024): “Post-Neokantianism”

The issue will be devoted to the problems of the revival of systematic transcendental philosophy, the study of its recent past and continuity in critical philosophy. Questions about the heritage of transcendental thinking and the potential of its renewal for the actual problems of our time are proposed for discussion.

We invite you to contribute academic articles to this special issue.

Articles (up to 40 000 characters) in Russian or English will be accepted until May 1, 2024.

The issue's editor is one of the leading experts in post-neokantian philosophy, professor at the University of Vienna K.W. Zeidler.


RUDN Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is included to the lists of Russian Index of Science Citation, and Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The journal has a great number of works by influential Russian and foreign scholars in various philosophical disciplines — history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, social philosophy, ethics — and related fields. The articles are published both in Russian and in English.

We will be glad to hear from you and to accept your articles!


Vladimir Belov, Editor-in-Chief

Special issue theme (02/2024): call for papers!

Posted: 06.03.2023

SPECIAL ISSUE THEME (02/2024): “Kant in Russia”

We invite you to publish scientific articles for this issue, devoted to the study of various aspects of the presence of Kant’s thought in the philosophical and cultural space of Russia.

Articles (up to 40 000 characters) in Russian or English will be accepted until February 1, 2024.

The issue's editor is the leading researcher of the work of I. Kant Prof. A.N. Kruglov.


RUDN Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is included to the lists of Russian Index of Science Citation, and Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The journal has a great number of works by influential Russian and foreign scholars in various philosophical disciplines — history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, social philosophy, ethics — and related fields. The articles are published both in Russian and in English.

We will be glad to hear from you and to accept your articles!


Vladimir Belov, Editor-in-Chief

Special issue theme (2024): call for papers!

Posted: 13.01.2023

SPECIAL ISSUE THEME (01/2024): Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy


We are pleased to inform you about the forthcoming special topic of the first issue of RUDN Journal of Philosophy: Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy.

Our academic journal aims at the study of philosophical traditions of different cultural and religious genesis. For years it has published studies on philosophical doctrines formed in the Christian and Muslim traditions, doctrines presented in schools of Indian and Chinese philosophical thought.

The special issue will be dedicated to a study of Mahayana Buddhist philosophy in its various forms, from the "original" Indian to Chinese and Tibetan-Mongolian ones. The particular attention is given to the study of the genesis and development of the basic concepts of Mahayana Buddhism, the analysis of classical works, philosophical schools and directions of Mahayana Buddhism.

We invite you to contribute academic articles to this special issue.

Articles (up to 40 000 characters) in Russian or English will be accepted until November 1, 2023.

The issue's editor is V.G. Lysenko, leading expert on the history of Buddhist philosophy, head of the Philosophy of the East Sector of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy.


RUDN Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is included to the lists of Russian Index of Science Citation, and Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. The journal has a great number of works by influential Russian and foreign scholars in various philosophical disciplines—history of philosophy, ontology, epistemology, social philosophy, ethics—and related fields. The articles are published both in Russian and in English.

We will be glad to hear from you and to accept your articles!


Vladimir Belov, Editor-in-Chief


Call for papers: Special issues in 2023

Posted: 01.11.2022

Special issue theme (01/2023): «Philosophy of V.E. Sezeman».

In 2023 will be 60 years since V.E. Sezeman’s death, so our special issue will be dedicated to this anniversary date. We invite you to publish scientific articles for this issue devoted to various aspects of the work of this prominent and authentic author. V.E. Sezeman may be considered as one of the key thinkers, representing the so-called ontological turn in the philosophy of XX century. Most of Sesemann's works are devoted to the topics of the theory of cognition and aesthetics, and his thought was notably precise and systematic. The whole edifice of his philosophy, including his ontology, ethics, aesthetics, philosophy of religion and culture, is built upon the originally interpreted theory of knowledge.

Articles, written in English, Russian and German (up to 40,000 characters) are accepted until November 1, 2022, the issue will be published in February 2023.


Special issue theme (02/2023): «Muslim Philosophy: Challenges of the Time».

We invite you to publish scientific articles for this thematic issue devoted to the analysis of the uniqueness of classical Arab-Muslim and modern Muslim philosophy. The philosophy of the Middle East throughout history has been striking in its richness and diversity. The specificity of the research of the philosophical thought of the Muslim East is connected with the study of the periods of origin, development and decline of classical Arab-Muslim philosophy during the VIII–XV centuries, as well as with the nature of the development of new directions of the XVI–XXI centuries, addressed to the issues of modernity, such as scientific and technological development, the search for ways to preserve authenticity and Islamic identity in the conditions of renewal and modernization

The issue’s coeditors-in-chief are professor Mehdi Sanai (Tehran University) and researcher, honoured scientist of Russian Federation M.T. Stepanyants (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences).

Articles, written in English, Russian and German (up to 40,000 characters) are accepted until February 1, 2023, the issue will be published in May 2023.


Special issue theme (03/2023): «Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason” and Ways of Its Reading by Philosophers».

On the eve of the 300th anniversary of Immanuel Kant, which will be celebrated in 2024, we invite you to publish scientific articles for the issue on the history of reception of Kant’s theoretical philosophy. The “Critique of Pure Reason” has had such a huge impact on the development of subsequent philosophy that the modern theory of knowledge can, to a large extent, be seen as a discussion with this, hitherto not fully understood, work. How eminent philosophers read and understood Kant is the subject of analysis in the planned issue. You are welcome to submit papers on how philosophers such as Fichte, Schelling, Hegel, Solovyov, Cohen, Cassirer, Lossky, Heidegger, McDowell, Sellars, and others interpreted the first “Critique”.

The issue’s editor-in-chief is one of the specialists in Kant’s philosophy, extra-ordinary professor at the University of Marburg (Germany) Maja Soboleva.

Articles, written in English, Russian and German (up to 40,000 characters) are accepted until May 1, 2023, the issue will be published in August-September 2023.


Special issue theme (04/2023): «Philosophy and Neurosciences».

We invite you to submit your papers covering the issues of possible interaction of philosophy and experimental research in the field of neurosciences. The emergence of such new directions as "neuroethics", "neurophenomenology", "neuroeconomics", "neurophilosophy" and even "neurotheology" not only reveals a popular trend, but also clearly demonstrates that the contemporary studies of the human brain are closely intertwined with philosophical questions about human nature: from human abilities, motivations, desires and will —to the understanding of freedom and its boundaries; at the same time, the former ways of conceptualizing the subjectivity are put into question.

In this issue we are inviting authors to send the papers dedicated to the following topics:

  • methodological and conceptual aspects of modeling of neuroexperiments;
  • the search for an adequate theoretical language to describe neuroprocesses and their correlates in experience;
  • difficulties in correlating quantitative and qualitative characteristics of experience;
  • the influence of neuroscience on current trends in the field of practical philosophy, primarily in the field of social philosophy, political philosophy and ethics.

The issue’s editors-in-chief are Georg Northoff (University of Ottawa) and Vadim Alexandrovich Chaly, (Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University).

Articles, written in English, Russian and German (up to 40,000 characters), are accepted until June 15, 2023, the issue will be published in November 2023.


RUDN Journal of Philosophy is a peer-reviewed academic journal. The journal is included in the international database Scopus. For many years, the journal has been a space to feature the best research of the leading Russian and international scholars in the fields of History of Philosophy, Ontology, Theory of Knowledge, Social Philosophy and other areas. Our editorial policy also involves the strong support of young talented scientists throughout the world. The experience and traditions of the school of philosophical thought of RUDN University are embodied in the journal. Articles are published in both Russian and English.

Our team is looking forward to your contributions!

Sincerely yours,

V.N. Belov, Editor in Chief

Call for papers: Special issues in 2026

Posted: 12.04.2024

Special theme of the 1st issue 2026: “The Philosophy of Paul Natorp

Call for papers: Special issues in 2025

Posted: 12.04.2024

Special theme of the 1st issue 2025: “The Philosophy of Paul Natorp
Special theme of the 2nd issue 2025: “Contemporary society and social security

Call for papers: Special issues in 2024

Posted: 12.04.2024

Special issue theme 01/2024: "Mahayana Buddhist Philosophy"
Special issue theme 02/2024: "Kant in Russia"
Special issue theme 03/2024: "Post-Neokantianism"
Special issue theme 04/2024: "Experimental Philosophy"

About the special issue theme of RUDN Journal of Philosophy in PhilEvents

Posted: 12.04.2024

The journal is mentioned in the news section of the PhilEvents of the Institute of Philosophy, University of London with the announcement of a special theme for the fourth issue of 2024: “Experimental Philosophy


Posted: 15.02.2024

RUDN Journal of Philosophy was mentioned in a compilation of current studies of neo-Kantianism

About the special issue theme of RUDN Journal of Philosophy in Germany

Posted: 09.10.2023

The journal is mentioned in the news section of the blog of the Archive Library of Post-Neo-Kantianism and Contemporary Critical Idealism with the announcement of a special theme for the third issue of 2024: “Post-Neo-Kantianism”

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