
Solution of a two-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation describing two interacting atoms in an optical trap
Ishmukhamedov I.S., Ishmukhamedov A.S., Jalankuzov Z.E.
About Growth of Solutions to Ordinary DifferentialEquation with the Delay Argument
Shamov E.S.
The Solvability of the Inverse Problem for the Evolution Equation with a Superstable Semigroup
Tikhonov I.V., Vu Nguyen S.T.
Two-Points Dirichlet Problem for the Second Order Differential-Operator Equation in Locally Convex Space
Aksyonov N.A.
Analytical and Computational Investigations of Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for the Quasipotential Equation
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R., Sarhadov I., Tukhliev Z.K., Sharipov Z.A.
Investigation of Solutions of Boundary Problems for the Quasipotential Equation Using the Shift Operator
Amirkhanov I.V., Muzafarov D.Z., Sarker N.R., Sarhadov I., Sharipov Z.A.
Investigation of Solutions of Quasistationary States for the Quasipotential Equation
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R., Sarkhadov I.S., Tukhliev Z.K., Sharipov Z.A.
A Study of the Integrability of the Derivatives of the Solutions of the Conjugate (nonlinear) Beltrami Equation
Terentieva J.V.
Investigation of Solutions of a Quasipotential Equation for Complex Values of Energy with Piecewise Constant Potentials
Amirkhanov I.V., Sarker N.R., Sarkhadov I.S., Tukhliev Z.K., Sharipov Z.A.
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