Numerical modeling of laser ablation of materials
- Authors: Amirkhanov I.V.1, Sarker N.R.1, Sarkhadov I.1
- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Issue: Vol 28, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 398-405
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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In this paper, we report a numerical simulation of laser ablation of a material by ultrashort laser pulses. The thermal mechanism of laser ablation is described in terms of a one-dimensional nonstationary heat conduction equation in a coordinate system associated with a moving evaporation front. The laser action is taken into account through the functions of the source in the thermal conductivity equation that determine the coordinate and time dependence of the laser source. For a given dose of irradiation of the sample, the profiles of the sample temperature at different times, the dynamics of the displacement of the sample boundary due to evaporation, the velocity of this boundary, and the temperature of the sample at the moving boundary are obtained. The dependence of the maximum temperature on the sample surface and the thickness of the ablation layer on the radiation dose of the incident laser pulse is obtained. Numerical calculations were performed using the finite difference method. The obtained results agree with the results of other works obtained by their authors.
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3. Introduction In recent years, pulsed laser ablation [1]-[3] (any process of laser-stimulated removal of matter, including the emission of electrons) of various materials has attracted more and more interest from the point of view of fundamental study of processes in matter under extreme conditions of ultrafast energy supply. This implies constructing a new physical theory describing strongly nonlinear effects. For a detailed analysis of the processes in the experiment, it is required to measure various characteristics of the ablation processes with picoand femtosecond time resolution, which in itself is a rather difficult task. Therefore, the problem of mathematical modeling of physical phenomena in this area becomes extremely urgent. To describe the dynamics of fast processes in a substance, the method of molecular dynamics (MD) can be used [4]. MD is quite effective for © Amirkhanov I. V., Sarker N. R., Sarkhadov I., 2020 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License microscopic analysis of the mechanisms of melting and evaporation under overheating conditions both in the bulk of the target [5] and for a system with a free surface [6]. The emergence and propagation of pressure waves generated by laser radiation [7], [8], as well as the dynamics of laser ablation [9], is well modeled using MD. In this paper, we consider continuous methods (various modifications of the heat equation) for modeling the effect of laser radiation on matter. The evaporation process is mathematically described within the framework of the boundary value problem of thermal conductivity for a condensed medium in a coordinate system associated with a moving solid-vapor interface or a melt-vapor interface on which evaporation occurs. If we do not take into account the lateral removal of the laser radiation energy due to thermal √ conductivity, which is valid under the strict condition
About the authors
Ilkizar V. Amirkhanov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of Sector “Scientific Division of Computational Physics”. Laboratory of Information Technologies
6, Joliot-Curie St., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russian FederationNil R. Sarker
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher “Scientific Division of Computational Physics”. Laboratory of Information Technologies
6, Joliot-Curie St., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russian FederationIbrohim Sarkhadov
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher “Scientific Division of Computational Physics”. Laboratory of Information Technologies
6, Joliot-Curie St., Dubna, Moscow region, 141980, Russian FederationReferences
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