
Buckling in inelastic regime of a uniform console with symmetrical cross section: computer modeling using Maple 18
Chistyakov V.V., Soloviev S.M.
Modeling the Track Formation in Amorphous Iron Alloys Exposed to High-Energy Heavy Ions
Kudryashov N.A., Sinelshchikov D.I.
Well-posedness of the microwave heating problem
Tsangia B.
Nonlinear Model of the Earth Atmosphere with Regard to Rocket and Satellite Data
Rabinowitch A.S., Abakumov S.Y.
Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in Coaxial Physically Nonlinear Cylindrical Shells Filled with a Viscous Fluid
Blinkov Y.A., Mesyanzhin A.V., Mogilevich L.I.
Expansion Method for Continuating at Extended Solution at Singular Points
Galishnikova V.V.
Numerical modeling of stationary pseudospin waves on a graphene monoatomic films
Nhật L.A., Lovetskiy K.P., Sevastianov L.A., Kulyabov D.S.
Dynamic Non-Linear Model of Distribution and Changes of Linguistic Information in the Indo-European Model Language Communit
Egorov A.A., Egorova M.A.
Necessary Optimality Conditions for Stationary Nonlinear Hydrodynamic Disrupted Problems in a Bounded Domain
Bailly Bale -., Yoro Gozo -., Assui Kouassi Richard -.
The Volume Integral Equations Method in Magnetostatics Problems
Akishin P.G., Sapozhnikov A.A.
Simulation of a gas-condensate mixture passing through a porous medium in depletion mode
Volokhova A.V., Zemlyanaya E.V., Kachalov V.V., Rikhvitsky V.S., Sokotushchenko V.N.
Stability of Non-Linear Vibrations of Doubly Curved Shallow Shells
Mukharlyamov R.G., Amabili M., Garziera R., Riabova K.S.
On Some Aspects of Applying Polynorms on the Algebras in Physics
Eliovich A.A., Sanyuk V.I.
Propagation of Nonlinear Electromagnetic Wave Across Strong Magnetic Field in Plasma
Krasovitskiy V.B., Turikov V.A.
Simulation of a Gas-condensate Mixture Passing through a Porous Medium in Depletion Mode
Volokhova A., Zemlyanaya E., Kachalov, V., Rikhvitsky V., Sokotuschenko V.
On an Auxiliary Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem in the Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Superconductivity and its Multiple Solutions
Konyukhova N.B., Sheina A.A.
Pontryagin's Principle of Maximum for Linear Optimal Control Problems with Phase Constraints in Infinite Dimensional Spaces
Longla M.
A Study of the Integrability of the Derivatives of the Solutions of the Conjugate (nonlinear) Beltrami Equation
Terentieva J.V.
The volume integral equation method in magnetostatic problem
Akishin P.G., Sapozhnikov A.A.
Mathematics Modeling of NonlinearGeneric Mechanics System in Computers Mathematic Maple
Ignatyev Y.G., Abdulla K.H.
0 - 0 of 33 Items > >> 

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