Simulation of a Gas-condensate Mixture Passing through a Porous Medium in Depletion Mode
- Authors: Volokhova A.1, Zemlyanaya E.1, Kachalov, V.1, Rikhvitsky V.1, Sokotuschenko V.1
- Joint Institute for nuclear research
- Issue: Vol 27, No 3 (2019)
- Section: Modeling and Simulation
- URL:
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Objective: one of the important tasks in the development of gas condensate fields is to minimize the loss of recoverable hydrocarbons arising from the condensation of gas in the pores of the formation. The search for optimal modes of gas production is carried out both on the basis of laboratory experiments and on the basis of computer modeling. In this regard, the relevant verification of the constructed mathematical models based on comparison of computed data with data obtained in experiments on the laboratory model of the reservoir.
Methods: to simulate the passage of a multicomponent gas-condensate mixture through a porous medium in the depletion mode, an initial boundary value problem for a system of nonlinear partial differential equations is formulated. Its numerical solution is implemented on the basis of a combined application of C++ and Maple.
Results: in the framework of the classical approach based on Darcy's law and the law of continuity of flows, a model describing the passage of a multicomponent gas-condensate mixture through a porous medium in the depletion mode is formulated. It is shown that the approach used provides quantitative agreement of the obtained numerical results with experimental data on the dynamics of hydrocarbon recoverability depending on pressure obtained at VNIIGAZ (Ukhta).
Conclusions: the effectiveness of the developed approach and the possibility of its further use was Confirmed.
About the authors
Alina Volokhova
Joint Institute for nuclear research
Author for correspondence.
Scopus Author ID: 56505574900
Junior researcher of the laboratory of information technologies
Russian FederationElena Zemlyanaya
Viktor Kachalov,
Victor Rikhvitsky
Vadim Sokotuschenko
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