
Convergence of the grid method for the Fredholm equation of the first kind with Tikhonov regularization
Belov A.A.
On a modification of the Hamming method for summing discrete Fourier series and its application to solve the problem of correction of thermographic images
Laneev E.B., Baaj O.
On a stable calculation of the normal to a surface given approximately
Laneev E.B., Baaj O.
On the application of the Fourier method to solve the problem of correction of thermographic images
Baaj O.
Numerical Stability of an Integral Equation Applied for High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics
Andreev V.V., Ibrahim B.I., Laneev E.B., Mouratov M.N.
Mathematical Modeling of Mouthpiece Type Waveguide
Sevastyanov A.L., Chernoivanov A.I.
On Stable Solution for a Mixed Boundary Value Problem for Laplace Equation with the Approximately Defined Boundary
Laneev E.B., Mouratov M.N., Abdulhak Tabet Adel Saleh -.
Numerical Recovery of the Distribution Function on the Electrons Energyin Plasma on Radiation Spectrum
Andreev V.V., Ibragim B.I., Laneev E.B., Mouratov M.N.
Foundational Aspects of Theory of Statistical Function Estimation and Pattern Recognition
Fokoue E.
On Stable Continuation of the Heat Conduction Equation Solution from Approximately Defined Boundary
Laneev E.B., Mouratov M.N., Abdulhak Tabet Adel Saleh -.
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