On Stable Continuation of the Heat Conduction Equation Solution from Approximately Defined Boundary

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A problem of stable continuation of the heat conduction equation solution is considered. The continuation of the solution is performed from approximately defined boundary. The whole problem is treated as an incorrect Cauchy problem for the heat conduction equation with Cauchy data given on an arbitrary approximately defined surface.

About the authors

E B Laneev

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Email: elaneev@yandex.ru
Кафедра нелинейного анализа и оптимизации; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples Friendship University of Russia

M N Mouratov

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Email: mouratov@sci.pfu.edu.ru
Кафедра нелинейного анализа и оптимизации; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples Friendship University of Russia

- Abdulhak Tabet Adel Saleh

Peoples Friendship University of Russia

Email: aadel1970@yahoo.com
Кафедра нелинейного анализа и оптимизации; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples Friendship University of Russia


Copyright (c) 2011 Ланеев Е.Б., Муратов М.Н., Табет Адель Салех Абдулхак -.

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