Author Details

Севастьянов, Леонид Антонович

Issue Section Title File
No 3 (2014) Articles One-Step Stochastic Processes Simulation Software Package PDF


No 1 (2014) Articles Influence of Stochastization on One-Step Models PDF


No 2 (2014) Articles The Simplest Geometrization of Maxwell’s Equations PDF


No 2 (2014) Articles Calculating Phase Retardation Field in Smoothly Irregular Integrated-Optical Waveguide (Using Thin-Film Generalized Waveguide Luneburg Lens) PDF


No 1 (2010) Articles Ferromagnetism in Graphen and Fulleren Nanostructures. Theory, Modelling, Experiment PDF


No 1 (2010) Articles Propagation of the Monochromatic Electromagnetic Waves in Irregular Waveguides. A Brief Introduction to an Analysis in the Case of Smooth or Statistic Irregularities PDF


No 3 (2015) Articles Quantum Field Theory Approach to the Analysis of One-Step Models PDF


No 3.1 (2010) Articles On Constructions Earthquake Resistance Modeling PDF


No 3.1 (2010) Articles Kuryshkin-Wodkiewicz QuantumMeasurement Model PDF


No 2 (2011) Articles Economics and Mathematical Modeling of Oligopoly Telecommunication Market PDF


No 2 (2011) Articles The System of Hamilton Equations for the Modes of the Electromagnetic Field in a Stratified Isotropic Medium PDF


No 4 (2013) Articles The Derivation of the Dispersion Equations of Adiabatic Waveguide Modes in the Thin-Film Waveguide Luneburg Lens in the Form of Non-Linear Partial Differential Equation of the First Order PDF


No 4 (2013) Articles Modeling in the Adiabatic Waveguide Modes Model of Amplitude-Phase Transformation of the Electromagnetic Field by a Thin-Film Generalized Waveguide Luneburg Lens PDF


No 2 (2016) Articles Kuryshkin-Wodkiewicz Model of Quantum Measurements for Atoms and Ions with One Valence Electron PDF


No 4 (2016) Articles About One Method of Differentiation of a Flat Discrete Planar Curve in Image Processing PDF


Vol 25, No 1 (2017) Mathematical Modeling Simulation of Polarized Light Propagation in the Thin-Film Waveguide Lens PDF


Vol 25, No 2 (2017) Mathematical Modeling Surface Electromagnetic Waves at the Interface of Two Anisotropic Media PDF


Vol 26, No 4 (2018) Mathematical Modeling Influence of Noise on the DTW Metric Value in Object Shape Recognition PDF


Vol 27, No 2 (2019) Computational modeling and simulation On algebraic integrals of a differential equation PDF


Vol 27, No 2 (2019) Mathematical Modeling Seismic stability of oscillating building on kinematic supports PDF


Vol 28, No 1 (2020) Mathematical Modeling Numerical determination of the singularity order of a system of differential equations PDF


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