No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 15
- URL:

Optimal Recovery of Differences of Sequences from Inaccurate Information
In the paper the problem of optimal recovery of k-th difference of numerical sequence in the class of sequences for which n-th difference (k < n) is bounded from the inaccurate values of original sequence is formulated and solved. Explicit expressions are obtained for optimal recovery method and optimal error.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):12-15

On the Datacenters Location Problem in the Network Centric Systems
The formal graph model and the datacenters location problem definition in the network centric systems are developed. The objective functions for the optimization problem are as follows: quantity as well as the location on the net's graph for the datacenters, and the amount of the carried load transmitting from datacenters on the requests from the subscriber nodes. The algorithm for solving datacenters location problem is given, and the modified algorithm for the carried load amount approximation is proposed. The illustrative example of the numerical analysis is provided.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):25-33

Zero Approximation Model of Integrated-Optical Generalized Luneburg Lens
The approximate solution of vector electrodynamics' problem in smoothly irregular four-layered integrated-optical waveguide is obtained. As a method of solution of the electrodynamics' problem in question, satisfying to a condition of a smooth modification of a profile of a researched integrated-optical structure, the asymptotic method is used. The represented outcomes of numerical modeling show good convergence of a solution of the considered problem in a zero approximation of the used asymptotic method with the results of other authors. The offered method is applicable to analysis of similar dielectric, magnetic, and meta-materials' structures, including nonlinear ones in sufficiently broad band of electromagnetic wavelengths, that is doubtless advantageous.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):47-56

Economics and Mathematical Modeling of Duopoly Telecommunication Market
This paper presents a model of two competing telecommunication companies. The telecommunication networks of companies have different attributes which assumed fix and the consumers have idiosyncratic tastes for these attributes. The networks are mandated to interconnect and the access charges are determined by companies cooperatively. The two telecommunication network companies are engaged in a price competition to attract consumers. Each consumer selects a network and determines the consumption of the telecommunication services. The regulation policy of the telecommunication market is studied for this model.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):57-67

Hierarchical Types of Statistical Dependences
We offer an approach to modeling multi-dimensional structures of statistical dependencies based on the specification of hierarchies of conditional two-dimensional copulae. Numerical algorithms for the simulation of hierarchical structures and evaluating copula parameters of those hierarchies were developed.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):68-71

Method to Accelerate Solving Self-Consistent Problem of Modeling Injection Laser
A method allowing substantially (approximately by three orders) accelerate the iterative process in solving the self-consistent problem of finding kinetic equations stationary solutions for injection laser modeling is considered.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):72-76

DeWitt's Self-Action Effect on the Dipole Radiation of Hydrogen-like Graviatoms
Gravitationally bound systems, so-called graviatoms, consisting of a minihole and a charged particle are considered. A frequency, oscillator strength and intensity of radiation are calculated for the dipole transition 2p → 1s taking into account DeWitt's self-action, which diminishes the frequency and intensity of the transition as compared with the corresponding quantities for a hydrogen-like graviatom.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):80-84

On Boost-Invariant Solutions of Relativistic Field Equations
Twistorial algebraic methods to obtain solutions of the vacuum Maxwell equations, with complicated structure of singular loci, are described. The notion of boost-invariant solutions, with the field functions preserving their values under a hyperbolic rotation, is introduced. It is proved that, among the twistor-generated solutions, only the bisingular Born solution and the two its known modifications (with a double-ring and an expanding toroidal singularities) are axisymmetric and boost invariant at the same time.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):89-98

Noether Theorem and Variation of Charges of the Universe
We present new approach to explanation of possible cosmological evolution of fundamental charges related to spinor particles. This approach is based on the use of modified version of massless Dirac equation with analytic dependence of wave-function on extra complex time-like parameter. We identify real and imaginary parts of complex time with absolute cosmological time and temperature, respectively, and study canonical structure of the theory. It is established, that gauge and energy-momentum Noether charges are temperature-dependent, and, moreover, that these quantities are related through their temperature dependence. It is argued, that total charges of the Universe must vary in accordance with temperature evolution in framework of realistic cosmological scenario.
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):99-105

Pravila oformleniya statey
Discrete and Continuous Models and Applied Computational Science. 2009;(3):106-106