Symbolic-Numeric Solution the Shroedinger Equation for Rotating Solid Body by Diagonalisation Method
- Authors: Belyaeva IN1, Chekanov NA1, Chekanova NN2
- Belgorod National Research University
- Kharkov Institute of Banking of National University of Bankin
- Issue: No 2 (2016)
- Pages: 24-36
- Section: Articles
- URL:
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The eigenvalues and wave functions of the rotational quantum top Hamiltonian with a different three moment of inertia by the diagonalisation method in the basis function system that realized the all four irreducible representation of the discrete D2 group are obtained. For the low rotational moment value J = 1,2,3,4 the analytical formulae are calculated. But in the case of any rotational moment values the systems of equation are obtained that with the mean of the modern computer program packages allow very easy to calculate the spectrum and eigenfunctions of asymmetric quantum top. As example, for the rotational moment value J=50 by the help of Maple system eigenvalues are performed and its dependence versus of the parameter asymmetry are presented.
About the authors
I N Belyaeva
Belgorod National Research University
N A Chekanov
Belgorod National Research University
N N Chekanova
Kharkov Institute of Banking of National University of Bankin