Integral Model of Natural Convection Turbulent Boundary Layers Next to Heated Vertical Surface width a Large Lateral Grasgof Number and Homogeneous Heat Flux

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The proposed integrated two-zone model to describe the characteristics of the turbulent free convection boundary layer near a vertical wall. To obtain accurate profiles of vertical velocity and excess temperature, taking into account the effect of wall region of the flow in the main part of the boundary layer. Offered the correct way of using the Blasius formula to determine the value of turbulent shear stress on the wall. On the basis of the differentiation profile of excess temperature the relation connecting the specific heat flux and excess wall temperature. It is shown that in the framework of the chosen approximation ratio linking density of the heat flux and excess wall temperature has a form similar to the formulas Vliet-Ross and Saunders. The obtained closed system of integro-differential equations describing the flow in free convection flow the boundary layer. In the framework of the chosen approximation, the total system of integro-differential equations was reduced to a system of nonlinear ordinary differential equations of the first order. On the basis of the obtained systems was carried out numerical simulation of a natural convection turbulent boundary layer in terms of the number of experiments. Made comparison of results of numerical simulation, including the fields of vertical velocity and excess temperature, with experimental data.

About the authors

Y P Rybakov

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia


S G Cherkasov

Keldysh Federal Research Center


Y A Suslov

Keldysh Federal Research Center



Copyright (c) 2016 Рыбаков Ю.П., Черкасов С.Г., Суслов Я.А.

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