Hyper-Hyponymic Relations in Terminology Expressing Investor Relations

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The study described in this paper is a novel approach in the research of “Investor Relations”. The article draws attention to the phrase “Investor Relations” in Russian and English languages and carries out a comparative analysis of hyper-hyponymic relations with reference to nomination of people associated with Investor Relations. The main methods of research are component and definitional analyses, narrative and semantic-logical method. The research defines the term “Investor Relations”, and analyzes related terms from modern Russian and English such as: investor , analyst , shareholder , director , broker , manager. A comparative analysis of this thematic group reveals the distinctive characteristics of hyper-hyponymic relations of IR terminology. This analysis shows common features in the structural organization of this thematic group and the logical coherence of terminology. These findings are valuable not only for linguists, but also specialists in investor relations, employees of financial and investment companies and banks. It aims to promote more efficient communication in professional and business relationships.

About the authors

T A Sarangova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Email: tasarangova@yahoo.com
Department of General and Russian Linguistics Philology Faculty


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