- Authors: Romanovskaya O.V.1
- Penza State University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 919-941
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article reveals the degree of influence of libertarianism on the development of various institutions of state and law. It is shown how one of its trends, libertarian paternalism, presented by researchers of behavioral economics R. Thaler and K. Sunstein, formulates not only proposals related to improving the economic, financial and investment climate of any country, but also affects other social institutions: health care, protecting environment, marriage and family, education. In this regard, a general review of libertarian teachings has been carried out. It is indicated that the extreme manifestation of libertarianism is agorism and autarchy, in which the state is recognized as the worst form of organizing social organization. General accusations are formulated in relation to the state and law by the main representatives of libertarianism (F. Hayek, M. Friedman, M. Rothbard, etc.). The political and legal significance of Keynesianism (the ideas of J.M. Keynes), which advocates the strengthening of the role of the state in regulating economy and finance, is indicated. The essence, meaning and main characteristics of libertarian paternalism based on pushing (for this purpose, scientists use the special term - Nudge) citizens to a specific model of behavior (taking into account their behavioral characteristics) proposed by the “architects of choice” are analyzed. The forms of legal registration of pushing in various social spheres are highlighted. The forms of manifestation and the prospects for introduction of libertarian paternalism in Russian legislation are considered in relation to environmental protection, transplantology, and marriage registration. The arguments of opponents of libertarian paternalism are systematized. It is shown that for the Russian Federation, a new ideology trying to combine freedom of choice and state regulation will have certain prospects. Based on this, the main provisions of libertarian paternalism (despite their somewhat contradictory nature) can be used to improve the quality of public administration and increase the efficiency of state regulation.
About the authors
Olga V. Romanovskaya
Penza State University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, Legal Sciences Department
40 Krasnaya str., Penza, 440026, Russian FederationReferences
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