Theoretical and Practical Interaction Between Legal Ideology and Legal Propaganda in the Soviet Society
- Authors: Gavrilova A.V1, Bogolyubov E.A1
- Kemerovo State University
- Issue: Vol 22, No 3 (2018)
- Pages: 346-369
- URL:
- DOI:
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The main function of any ideology is to legitimize the established order of things as true, universal and unshakable. The ideological form is aimed at the formation of the addressee's specific stereotypes of behavior corresponding to the trajectory of officially recognized ideas, values, axioms, principles, norms of law. Legal ideology is a conceptualized expression of normative, political and universal methods of legal understanding. As the methods of ideological influence can be identified scientific-doctrinal and official-legal nomination, legal propaganda, legal education, legal education, etc. Legal propaganda is the systematic and purposeful dissemination in society of certain legal ideas, values, norms and programs of behavior in order to control the addressee and control his thinking and behavior, has a coercive nature in order to prevent deviation from the absolute standards of behavior. Propaganda is often one of the main means of political manipulation. At present," legal propaganda" as the most radical concept has given way to softer methods of ideological influence - "legal education" and " legal upbringing". Legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens in modern Russia is an important area of public policy, the implementation of which is entrusted to the Federal and regional public authorities, local governments, professional legal communities and public associations of lawyers, in close collaboration with civil society structures in the form of social partnerships. The involvement of public organizations for legal education of the population through legal propaganda in order to implement the state policy was actively developed in the Soviet period. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of the Soviet legal ideology in the context of legal propaganda by public organizations. The study was conducted within the framework of socio-cultural approach. That approach allowed expanding the idea of the place and role of legal propaganda in the Soviet society as a product of the state ideology focused on the identification of Soviet cultural values, its reglamentation and practical realisation.
About the authors
Anzhelika V Gavrilova
Kemerovo State University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Science, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law, Law Institute of Kemerovo State University
Krasnaya st., 6, Kemerovo, Russia, 650000Egor A Bogolyubov
Kemerovo State University
Postgraduate student of the Department of Theory and History of state and law, Law Institute of Kemerovo State University
Krasnaya st., 6, Kemerovo, Russia, 650000References
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