No 1 (2008)
- Year: 2008
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Problems of regulating procedures and means of securing electoral rights of the citizens of the Russian Federation
The article envisages legal and practical problems in connection with loopholes in the legislation and deficiency in procedures and technological facilitation of the electoral process arising in the course of the realization of electoral rights for the citizens of the Russian Federation.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):5-10

Features of use of an electronic communication facility at modern bank transactions
In article are considered questions of normative definition of the term «an electronic communication facility», and also features of application of these means are considered at fulfillment of bank transactions in a context of information safety. Analyzing the maintenance of legal certificates, the author allocates levels of information safety and offers ways of their maintenance.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):11-17

Competition and professional participants of the securities market
This article covers almost not lighted in the legal literature problem of legal regulation and competition growth on the Russia's securities market, questions on defense of competition between registration securities market participants, and also describes some particularities of state control on capital concentration on financial market services and description of some financial market problems from antimonopoly law point of view.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):37-42

Forms of legal entities' dependency in the law of Germany
The article describes the legal regime of groups of companies and different types of contracts of association(control, dominance), discovers specific aspects of legal status of companies belonging to groups of companies, their rights and obligations and also liability.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):43-50

Main features of monopolistic business practices in MERCOSUR countries
This article deals with certain aspects of unfair business practices in Southern common market (MERCOSUR) countries. The author pays particular attention to restrictive business practices fixed by collusive agreements and concerted market actions resulting from practical cooperation (both joint and individual). Approaches based on adoption of the rule of reason and rigid criteria of per se are being touched upon.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):51-57

The role of specialized organizations of the United Nations of socially economic character in protection of the environment (international law aspect)
The article deals with the activity of international organizations directed on environmental protection including leading role of the United Nations and its special organizations in this sphere: UNESCO, WHO, ILO and United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP). The author submits a proposal concerning reorganization of the UNEP into special organization of UN which would deal with the environment.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):78-85

FAO - a Specialized United Nations Agency
The article represents an attempt to analyze the organizational and legal structure of the FAO in order to familiarize with the scale of FAO's activities and to adequately depicture FAO's importance in securing food safety, which is one of the important elements of the international security system.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):86-94

Tendencies of progressive development and codification of norms of International Law concerning the use of transboundary watercources (ecological aspects)
The theme and problematic of the article face especially sharply the states which appeared on a political map of the world as a result of collapse of the USSR, but at the same time do not lose an urgency with reference to many regions of the world that face problems of settlement of the relations connected with transboundary watercourses, in particular their ecological component and necessity of systematization and development of norms of international law concerning use of such transboundary watercourses. The basic approaches to the decision of the common tendencies are considered in the given article.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2008;(1):95-101