No 1 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Problems of realisation of the Russian Federation state policy concerning compatriots abroad
Having thoroughly analyzed the problem the author claims that there are still some considerable lacunas in legislation and the adopted laws are imperfect, intricate and unfeasible at times. Supporting Russian compatriots abroad, protecting their rights and legal interests must be one of the long-termpriorities of the external state policy. The article encompasses a series of theoretical conclusions and propositions which are of great interest not only in a scientific area but also in lawmaking and law enforcement activities.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):5-10

Transitive society, economy and law of post-soviet Russia
The article is devoted to a number of features of a transitive condition of a modern Russian society. Specificity of the phenomena and processes during the specified period as well as criteria of its completeness and a role of law in regulation of economic processes of a transition period are considered.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):11-15

The problem of the financial market's notion
The present article is analyzing the absence of a well-defined notion of «the financial market» in the Russian legislation, which would meet the requirements of the contemporary level of the economics and law, questions about the theoretical definition of such phenomenon and also the formualtion of the notion.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):16-18

Restoration of the rights of victims of crimes and acts of terrorism: problems of theory and practice
In the article the problems of restoration of the rights of victims of terrorist acts are examined. The questions of compensation of harm, caused as a result of a terrorist act, are investigated from the public- lawful positions. The author makes the conclusion, that the current legislation does not make it possible to entirely protect citizens from the criminal encroachments and to ensure the valid compensation of harm to everybody that suffered from the terrorist act.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):19-24

Basic challenges, faced by the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation in the present days
This article contains the analysis of the acts of legislaition concerning the indigenous peoples legal protection in the Russian Federation nowadays. It also recommends to take extra measures to implement the regulation of their legal rights and interests.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):25-31

Constitutional aspect of judicial globalization in the framework of inter-state integration
The article deals with the theoretic, methodic, ontological and axiological problems of judicial globalization. For the first time the problem of the constitutional aspect of judicial globalization in the framework of inter-state integration is given a lime-light and its impact upon the formation and development of the up-to-date constitutionalism is viewed.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):49-56

Diversity ways of solving commercial disputes as a factor of effectiveness work of the commercial arbitration courts in Russia and England
The article describes the diversity ways of solving commercial disputes in Russia and England. The author analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of alternative dispute resolution, simplified and express procedures which are using in the international commercial practice, carried out analysis the practice of the International Commercial Arbitration Court at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the London Court of International Arbitration.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):68-74

Legislative Control of Switzerland International Commercial Arbitration Activity. General Provisions

Citizenship of the European Union
This article analyses uniform all-European citizenship founded by the Maastricht treaty about the European Union from the February 7th 1992. The author considers the fundamental laws given to citizens of the European Union in the above listed treaty and gives comments on each article. Making an attempt of disclosing as a matter of fact, the difference of the specified kind of citizenship from a citizenship of a national state and a correlation of an allied and national citizenship.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):79-85

International legal management of environmental protection from the impact of practical astronautics
The notion of international environmental management is formulated in the article; basic types of adverse impact of practical astronautics on environment are analyzed with special reference to the combat of pollution of outer-space with space debris.
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):86-93

Nashi avtory
RUDN Journal of Law. 2009;(1):109-110