The declining state: Aristotle teachings and post-Soviet reality
- Authors: Vlasenko N.A.1
- Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- Issue: Vol 25, No 3 (2021)
- Pages: 479-505
- URL:
- DOI:
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The substantive aspects of modern post-Soviet statehood are analyzed on the basis of the traditional methodological guideline, called the elemental approach (Aristotle, Jellinek), which presupposes the allocation of key state-forming features. The Aristotle concept of “rejected state” is actively applied. For the purpose of a deeper illustration of the so-called “deviating” moments in the post-Soviet states, metaphorical comparisons are used, such as “imitation state”, “alienated state”, “selective state” and others. Deviating patterns are described through weak systemic strategic planning and the lack of relevant scientific concepts, including in emergency situations, as well as insufficient supremacy of judiciary, plevalence of unitaty tendencies and others. The author's argumentation is supported by data published in various official sources (statistics, results of special sociological studies, current Russian legislation, reports, expert opinions, etc.). The article is intended for specialists in the field of the theory of state and law, political science, sociology, etc. It will be of interest to postgraduate students, state and municipal employees.
About the authors
Nikolay A. Vlasenko
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9548-3396
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Full Professior of the the department of Theory of Law and State, Law Institute
6 Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russian FederationReferences
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