Critical evaluation of English and Saudi insurance law: A case for reform
- Authors: Albalawi K.M.1
- Tabuk University
- Issue: Vol 25, No 2 (2021)
- Pages: 582-600
- Section: CIVIL LAW
- URL:
- DOI:
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The global significance of English law continues, particularly in Saudi as it is the most frequently chosen insurance policy law. Both jurisdictions provide consumer protections in insurance markets including the Consumer Insurance (Disclosure and…) Act and the 2015 Insurance Act and the Insurance Consumer Protection Principles 2014 in Saudi Arabia. This study aims to analyse the current reform impact on the interpretation of these doctrines between the UK and Saudi jurisdictions. In the last few years British insurance law has been significantly reviewed and modified and the most recent amendments, as per the Insurance Act 2015, are of the greatest significance and will be given due consideration within this paper. However, both the rationale for the reforms and the reform process will be reviewed as well as the UK perspective of the increasing rivalries between countries on account of legal business.
About the authors
Khalaf M. Albalawi
Tabuk University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law and Insurance Law, Law School
University City, Staff Campus, Tabuk 47512, Saudi ArabiaReferences
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