- Authors: Ghambaryan A.S.1
- Russian-Armenian University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 1224-1239
- URL:
- DOI:
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The rule “Lex posterior derogat legi priori” (the later law cancels the earlier one) has a universal doctrinal meaning. The preservation of this principle over the centuries shows its importance and axiomatic character. However, the situation in the Armenian practice is different. This article discusses the legality of the conflict of laws rule of the RA Law “On Normative Legal Acts”, according to which, in the event of a conflict between the earlier and later laws in force, the earlier law applies. The author investigates the conflict rule “Les posterior” from comparative-legal and historical points of view, and concludes that the regulation provided by the RA Law “On Normative Legal Acts” contradicts the laws of dialectics, and axiomatic truths, reflected in Roman law, thus, it is essential to revise it. The philosophical basis of the “new law abolishes the old” rule is the law of the dialectic’s denial of the denial, which gives high authority and value to the “Lex posterior” rule. The rule “Lex posterior” is the means of ensuring the Constitutional freedom of generations. Freedom of generation implies that the new generation is free from the rules established by previous generations and is free to change them. In addition, a law written later must prevail over earlier laws, based on the principle of democracy by the people. Before “Lex posterior derogat legi priori” law is fixed in practice, in case of conflict between the old and the new norms that have equal legal force, the highest Courts of the Republic of Armenia should give preference to the legal norm that came into force later.
About the authors
Artur S. Ghambaryan
Russian-Armenian University
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Law, Full Professor, Head of the Department of Theory of Law and Constitutional Law
123 Hovsep Emin str., Yerevan, 0051, ArmeniaReferences
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