- Authors: Bushtets N.V.1
- National Research University “Higher school of Economics”
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 1169-1186
- URL:
- DOI:
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The use of the Institute of jurors in Russia has been expanded since June 1, 2018. Today, courts with the participation of jurors consider criminal cases in regional courts and equivalent ones, as well as in district courts. At the same time, legislative innovations also affected the number of citizens who are members of the jury. These changes dictate the need for a scientific understanding of what happened, including the development of proposals aimed at optimizing the work of courts, representatives of the state prosecution and defense with a jury. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to improve the organization of criminal proceedings carried out by a court with the participation of jurors, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the judge, the public Prosecutor, the defense lawyer and the jury. In the course of the work, the author considers the results of psychological and legal research, which in one way or another affects the communicative features of participants in criminal proceedings. The paper makes the following main conclusions: a) to establish in the normative legal acts of the Judicial Department the main requirements for the list of property and technical means that provide comfortable conditions for jurors during the trial; b) to conduct systematic work with the staff of judges and employees of the court interacting with jurors in accordance with the recommendations given in the article; c) provide judges and employees of the court with methodological guidance concerning communication with a jury on work issues.
About the authors
Nikita V. Bushtets
National Research University “Higher school of Economics”
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student, Department of Judiciary; assistant of the Legal Expertise Division of the Legal Department of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation
20 Myasnitskaya str., Moscow, 101000, Russian FederationReferences
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