- Authors: Trikoz E.N.1,2
- Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)
- MGIMO University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 965-984
- URL:
- DOI:
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The phenomenon of clan-regional rulemaking during the military-oligarchic regime in medieval Japan is studied for the first time. The purpose of the study was a comparative analysis of the texts of the largest princely codes of daimyo and military houses, as well as the norms of the Bushido code . The analysis was carried out on the basis of historical-genetic and synchronous-logical methods using Japanese primary sources with a survey translation, as well as scientific and abstract materials of Japanese, English and Russian medieval studies. Among the results achieved, a typology and hierarchy of sources of traditional law of the Shogun period are identified. The evolution of the system of law sources from the Kamakura shogunate to the Miromati dynasty is traced. One of the most striking monuments of “Kamakur law” is examined (the military-estate code “Goseibai Sikimoku”, 1232). Its sources, structure, technic mode and criminal provisions are studied. The analysis of the Bushido code showed that this quasi-legal regulator of the samurai behavior was an eclectic code of norms and rules for the bushi warriors with their ideals of loyalty and patriotism. The main transition to a new stage in the legal history of Japan after the “Kammu сode”, 1336 and during the period of “Warring Provinces” was established. It was distinguished by an increase in the number and significance of local law monuments - princely and clan codes, city statutes and charters of merchants' houses. From this list, the author singled out and compared in juridical techniques the ten large bunkokuho codes published by the largest princes- daimyo in order to systematize local laws and streamline the administrative-judicial system.
About the authors
Elena N. Trikoz
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University); MGIMO University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, History of Law and State Department, Law Institute; Department of Theory of Law and Comparative Law, International Law Department
76 Vernadsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119454, Russian FederationReferences
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