- Authors: Koshel A.S.1
- Far-Eastern Federal University
- Issue: Vol 24, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 942-964
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article investigtes the powers and parliamentary procedures in the standing committees and commissions of several countries of Western Europe and Latin America. The author believes that one of the modern paradigms for the development of parliamentary democracy is to strengthen the role of standing committees in the work of parliament by transferring to the committee level a number of constitutional powers of parliaments. In this regard, the author clarifies approaches to the classification of the committee structure of parliaments and looks at committee parliamentary procedures in Italy, Germany, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Brazil and Argentina at the present stage. The author comes to certain conclusions regarding the paradigm of the committee parliamentary procedure, including further improvement of domestic constitutional-legal matter in the context of the ongoing development of parliamentary democracy in the Russian Federation.
About the authors
Alexey S. Koshel
Far-Eastern Federal University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector, Associate Professor of the Constitutional and Administrative Law Department
10 Ajaks, Russkiy Island, Vladivostok, 690922, Russian FederationReferences
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