- Authors: Babich N.V.1
- Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 760-779
- URL:
- DOI:
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Problems related to the delimitation of powers between the prosecutor and the head of the investigating body, as well as ways to resolve them, are in the constant focus of attention of representatives of legal science. The concept and model of differentiation of powers between such participants in criminal proceedings that was introduced in 2007, has led to serious problems, which are expressed in: - decrease in the quality of prosecutorial supervision of the preliminary investigation body in order to protect human and civil rights and freedoms at the stage of preliminary investigation; - lack of procedural independence of the investigator, priority of interdepartmental control over prosecutorial supervision; - duplication of prosecutor’s supervision; - large accusatory bias of the court, prosecution and investigation body and others. The negative side of such problems is that the rights and freedoms of man and citizen are violated in the first place at all stages of criminal proceedings. In this regard, the properly organized delineation of powers and functions between the prosecutor and the head of the investigating body will be standard for ensuring the rule of law; it will contribute to the fight against crime and speedy preliminary investigation in order to create the court basis to reduce the cases of incorrect court decision. The purpose of the scientific article is to analyze the provisions of the current concept and models of separation of powers between the prosecutor and the head of the investigating body, identify the main systemic problems in this area and formulate proposals for their elimination. To achieve this goal, the scientific article explores the features and problems of individual concepts and models for their implementation in organizing activities of prosecution body and preliminary investigation bodies to delimit the powers between the prosecutor and the head of the investigating body. In a scientific article, the author came to the conclusion that reforming the current concept and model of separation of powers between the prosecutor and the head of the investigating body in order to eliminate significant problems is not possible without a reform. A return to previous concepts and models is also unacceptable due to historical experience of their application. The necessity of reforming the foundations of the entire law enforcement system of criminal justice body as a whole and reviewing the legal status of the prosecutor at all stages of criminal proceedings is noted.
About the authors
Nikita V. Babich
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Legal Sciences, Assistant at the Department of the Judiciary, Law Enforcement and Human Rights Activities, Law Institute
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