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The purpose of the study of this article is a general theoretic analysis of scientific views on the essence of legal regulation and its object for the development and formation of a definition of the object of procedural legal regulation. General scientific and special scientific methods including formal-legal and comparative-legal, as well as logical techniques, have been chosen for the research; they allowed to reveal the essence of the legal regulation and its object, and eventually - to formulate the author 's definition of the object of procedural-legal regulation. A review of scientific publications shows that legal regulation generally implies a streamlining effect on social relations on the part of authorized entities. The essence of legal regulation lies in the legal impact on social relations with a view to their regularization, carried out by authorized entities through legal activities. The object of legal regulation is a set of social relations subject to legal regulation, which is the starting point for understanding the concept of the object of procedural and legal regulation. In turn, social relations, as a stable connection of interacting subjects, meet such criteria as social importance, conscious will, typology, frequency, formal equality of subjects of legal life and others. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the object of procedural and legal regulation should be understood as a scope of certain social relations regulated by the rules of procedural law and procedural activities of specially authorized entities.

About the authors

Valery P. Belyaev

Southwest state university

Author for correspondence.

Doctor of Legal Sciences, professor, professor of the department of theory and history of state and law

94a 50 October str., Kursk, 305040, Russian Federation

Tamila M. Ninciyeva

Chechen state university


Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Law

32 A Sheripova str., Grozny, 364024, Russian Federation


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