- Authors: Nematov A.R.1, Sobitdukht N.1
- Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law by name A. Bahovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
- Issue: Vol 24, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 513-529
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/law/article/view/24559
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2337-2020-24-3-513-529
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The pandemic is one of those contemporary world challenges that today poses a global deadly threat to all mankind. Addressing the pandemic and ensuring human health through the lens of legal environmental safety seems to be timely. Adverse sanitary and epidemiological conditions, among other reasons, may arise out of the lack of a well-founded legal framework supporting the realization of the constitutional right of citizens to a favourable environment. The purpose of this article is to show the role of environmental security in preventing the sanitary and epidemiological crisis and ensuring public health. The article tried to analyse how environmental norms, rules of food and household hygiene were justified in the oldest monument of the Tajik people - Avesta, how the Zoroastrian religion explained the need to ensure sanitary and epidemiological safety of society and human health. Currently legal regulation of environmental protection and safeguarding public health attaches particular importance to such categories as health , life and safety . The last concept is increasingly filled with medical content worldwide. This is due to the fact that the category security is generally universal, and its application in legislation, obviously, implies certain reasons and consequences. The article briefly analyses the legal policy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the field of environmental legislation and public health. Mechanisms and directions for improving the current legislation in the field of environmental protection have been studied, and legal decisions on ensuring public health have been considered.
About the authors
Akmal R. Nematov
Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law by name A. Bahovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Author for correspondence.
Email: anematov@rambler.ru
Doctor of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor, Chief Researcher
33 Rudaki Ave., 734025, Dushanbe, The Republic of TajikistanNafisa Sobitdukht
Institute of Philosophy, Political Science and Law by name A. Bahovaddinov of the National Academy of Sciences of Tajikistan
Email: nafisa.sobit@bk.ru
Doctoral student
33 Rudaki Ave., 734025, Dushanbe, The Republic of TajikistanReferences
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