THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE HISTORY OF STATE AND LAW DEPARTMENT OF THE URAL STATE LAW UNIVERSITY: DECENT MEETING Smykalin, A.S. (ed.) The Evolution of the Russian and Foreign State and Law. To the 80th Anniversary of the History of State and Law Department of the Ural State Law University (1936-2016). Ekaterinburg, Ural State Law University, 2016
- Authors: Muromtsev G.I1
- RUDN University
- Issue: Vol 21, No 4 (2017)
- Pages: 582-587
- Section: Articles
- URL:
- DOI:
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The Review is devoted to a peculiar way of celebration of 80-year anniversary of department of history of state and law of the Ural State Law University which took place in September, 2016. The originality of celebration of anniversary is proved by the fact that the department headed by professor A.S. Smykalin, having done an enormous work. In particular, it published four huge volumes, totally 3700 pages under the general title «The Evolution of the Russian and Foreign State and Law». The pur-pose of this huge edition is marked in the subtitle «To the 80th Anniversary of Department of History of State and Law of the Ural State Law University (1936-2016)». The specified edition is remarkable due to its essential originality, from the point of view of the list of authors, structure of the published material and contents of articles. The authors are 256 famous scientists rep-resenting nearly 80 higher education institutions and about ten academic institutions from 37 cities of Russia and also from the universities and research institutions of the USA, Germany, Finland, the Republic of South Africa and Kazakhstan. Scientific articles on domestic and foreign history of state and law, the theory of the state and the law, philosophy and methodology of the law and also practically all branches of law studied in law colleges are presented in the collection. At the same time the articles of the authors who are not members of anniversary department are considered as their congratulation to the University. In the collection the histo-ry of department is deeply described and also - to a certain extent - a condition of modern historical and legal science and other branches of legal knowledge is estimated.
About the authors
Gennady I Muromtsev
RUDN University
Gennady I. Muromtsev, Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor, Professor, Theory of Law and State Department, Law Institute, RUDN University 6, Miklukho-Maklaya st., Moscow, Russia, 117198