Tianxia system for a future world and peace in the future. Interview with Zhao Tingyang, Professor of Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Interviewed by Tian Ye




Zhao Tingyang is Professor of Philosophy at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Senior Research Fellow at the Berggruen Institute (USA). The research interests of Professor Zhao Tingyang include ontology, political philosophy, and the philosophy of history. His works on Tianxia theory have been translated into many languages, including German (Alles Unter dem Himmel, Suhrkamp, Germany), English (All-under-Heaven: The Tianxia System for a Possible World Order, University of California, USA; Redefining a Philosophy for World Governance, Palgrave Macmillan, UK), French (Tianxia tout sous un Meme Ciel, Cerf, France), Spanish (Tianxia: una filosofia para la gobernanza global, Herder, Spain), Italian (Tutto Sotto il Cielo, Ubalddini, Italy), and Polish (Nowa Filozofia ladu Swiatowego, Time Marszalek, Poland). In his interview, Zhao Tingyang reveals the details of his “Tianxia” concept, the essence of which is to establish a system of coexistence of peoples and states based on a renewed understanding of politics as “the art of transition from hostility to hospitality.” In such a system, as Professor Zhao Tingyang notes, the hegemony of one power over others is excluded, the risks of conflicts and large-scale crises are minimized, but opportunities are created for the development of all states on the principles of equality, rationality and improvement.


Tingyang Zhao

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Email: interj@rudn.ru


  1. Huntington, S. (2014). Clash of civilizations. Moscow: AST Publishers. (In Russian).
  2. Zhao, Tingyang. (2005). Tian xia ti xi: shi jie zhi du zhe xue dao lun. Běijīng: Jiang su jiao yu chu ban she [The Tianxia system: An introduction to the philosophy of world institutions. Beijing: Jiangsu Education Publishing House]. (In Chinese).
  3. Zhao, Tingyang. (2009). Cong guo jiaguo ji dao shi jie: san zhong zheng zhi wen ti de bian hua. Zhe xue yan jiu [From National to International and Global: Three Variants of the Political Question. Philosophical Research], (1), 89-95. (In Chinese).
  4. Zhao, Tingyang. (2016). Tian xia de dang dai xing: shi jie zhi xu de shi jian yu xiang xiang. Běijīng: Zhong xin chu ban she [All under heaven: The Tianxia system for a possible world order. Beijing: CITIC Press Group]. (In Chinese).
  5. Zhao, Tingyang. (2021). Yi zhong ke neng de zhi hui min zhu. Zhong guo she hui ke xue [Possible intellectual democracy. Chinese Social Science], (4), 4-23. (In Chinese).



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