Algeria - Russia Relations: Strategic Partnership in the Age of Geopolitics




The relationship between Algeria and Russia is stronger than at any other time in history. While this may be true in most regards, the historical narratives help to decipher how the Algerian-Russian relationship has evolved to its current state. The problems of modern relations between Algeria and Russia are revealed. The relevance of the topic is linked to the fact that relations between the two countries have undergone a qualitative change in recent years, as military ties have expanded to include economic relations and investment cooperation, leading to a new dynamic in bilateral relations. With growing interdependence, the two countries are also paying attention to the policies of major powers, especially Western powers, and the traditional bilateral strategic cooperation is deepening to address new geostrategic challenges, which will largely determine their future direction. Under these circumstances, it is important to analyze the emerging geopolitical dynamics and determine its impact on the strategic aspects of the bilateral relations. This article aims to highlight the main developments in these relations and to emphasize their evolution in the era of geopolitical tensions. Methodologically, the study is based on political realism. The main sources of the analysis are materials of think tanks, speeches of official officials and others. The study shows what underlies the current cooperation between Algeria and Russia and how geopolitical dynamics affect it. Both countries see each other as important security partners in certain regions, such as North Africa and the Sahel, and as partners in more ambitious projects of a political and strategic nature.


Lotfi Sour

University of Mustapha Stambouli Mascara

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8783-9340

PhD (Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Algiers, Algeria


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