Transition to Polycentrism and the Transformation of Regional Trade Agreements




Regional trade agreements (RTAs) are important instruments of the world trade system, which have been increasingly developed in recent decades, since they complement the existing World Trade Organization (WTO) and WTO+ agreements and allow taking into account the specificities of regions. The principle of ensuring non-discriminatory trade is the main principle of multilateral trade of the WTO, or in other words, observes the rule of not favoring one trading partner over another. RTAs are, in fact, an exception to this approach, as it is the signatories that enjoy more favorable market access conditions. At the same time, the WTO recognizes the legitimate role of RTAs in facilitating trade between their parties, but requires that they not create barriers to trade with third parties. RTAs cover more than half of world trade, and new transcontinental agreements have been concluded in recent years: the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, the Comprehensive Regional Economic Partnership, and the African Continental Free Trade Area. There are different types of RTAs in international cooperation, ranging from free trade agreements to common markets, including between countries of a territorially contiguous or transcontinental nature, based on WTO and WTO+ agreements or protectionist in nature. The article reflects the consequences for the national economies of developing countries, it is revealed that the European Union in the RTAs is actively promoting its values as the absolute truth for all peoples and nations, and their non-acceptance is considered as a factor causing possible restrictions. Other developed economies have also imposed obligations on signatories in terms of ensuring the transformation of the national economies of developing countries, but in recent years this trend has weakened somewhat. China, initiating the RTA, pursues the realization of its national interests, without imposing any political, mental or social aspects, and at the same time is ready to develop mutually acceptable compromises. The transformation of RTАs in modern conditions is carried out in three basic directions: preference for the preservation of full sovereignty by the signatory countries; the inclusion of articles that condition the promotion of sustainable development; control and monitoring to ensure compliance with labor safety regulations, non-damage to the ecological environment, as well as the use of tools of responsible corporate business conduct.


Victoria Perskaya

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1988-4374
SPIN 代码: 4451-3235

Dr. of Sc. (Economics), Honoured Economist of the Russian Federation, Professor, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Head, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations

Moscow, Russian Federation

Dmitry Morkovkin

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5372-8519
SPIN 代码: 8277-4480

PhD (Economiсs), Associate Professor, Department of Economic Theory, Leading Researcher, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations

Moscow, Russian Federation

Alexander Chupin

RUDN University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0804-8039
SPIN 代码: 4576-1942

PhD (Economiсs), Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of Economics

Moscow, Russian Federation

Tural Mamedov

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9899-1396
SPIN 代码: 1483-1334

PhD (Economiсs), Associate Professor, Department of World Economy and World Finance, Leading Researcher, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations

Moscow, Russian Federation

Alexandra Zvereva

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2102-1842
SPIN 代码: 5911-3917

Research Fellow, Institute for Research of International Economic Relations

Moscow, Russian Federation


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