US “Outposts” in Latin America: Military-Technical Cooperation, Military Bases and Joint Exercises




The authors analyze the forms of interaction between the United States and Latin America in the military sphere. The relevance of studying this issue is due to the aggravation of relations between the collective West and Russia, as well as between the United States and China, within the framework of which Latin America acts as a zone of competition between the world powers. In this regard, the analysis of Latin American vector of US policy in the military aspect from the point of view of Russia’s strategic interests is particularly important. The lack of domestic scientific research on this problem greatly adds to its relevance. As for the novelty, based on the review of the world market of arms and military equipment (AME), this article determines the dynamics and the share of the American producer in the total volume of arms trade. In the context of military-technical cooperation (MTC), the authors also consider the peculiarities of the American military power projection on Latin America, which is a zone of exclusive interests of the United States. Among the key formats of interaction and projection of influence, the authors include the following: arms and military-technical supplies to the armies and security services of the states of the region; training of military personnel in Latin American countries; financing of armies and military units; cooperation programs to optimize the managerial and organizational functions of the Latin American armed forces, establishment and maintenance of various types of military bases, conducting joint military exercises. Using new factual material, we examine each of the listed forms and show the systematic and geostrategic nature of the US influence on the Latin American region in the military aspect. As for military trade, the authors identify the main partners of the United States in South America.


Andrei Piatakov

RUDN University; Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3934-958X

PhD (Political Science), Leading Research Fellow, Center for Analytical Research, Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Research Fellow, RUDN University

Moscow, Russian Federation

Magomed Kodzoev

RUDN University; Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9330-5599

PhD (Political Science), Lead Research Fellow, Institute of Latin American Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences; Senior Lecturer, Department of Iberoamerican Studies, RUDN University

Moscow, Russian Federation


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