Positive Peace in the Islamic Perspective of International Relations: The Case of Iran’s Foreign Policy
- 作者: Ranjbar D.1, Chikrizova O.S.1
- RUDN University
- 期: 卷 23, 编号 2 (2023): Contours of Non-Western Peacekeeping
- 页面: 278-295
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/international-relations/article/view/35173
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-0660-2023-23-2-278-295
- EDN: https://elibrary.ru/KMJXED
The characteristics of the interpretation of the concepts of “positive” and “negative” peace within the framework of the Islamic paradigm of international relations, as well as the application of Islamic approaches to conflict settlement by the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) are analyzed. The relevance of the study is due to the need to rethink approaches to peacekeeping and move away from Western peace strategies and initiatives, since these approaches have demonstrated their inadequacy over the past 50 years. Based on the hermeneutic method of studying the Islamic sacred texts and comparative analysis, as well as the approach to “negative” and “positive” peace of the Norwegian sociologist J. Galtung, the authors justify the existence of two strategies for achieving peace, based on Islamic ideals - “resistance strategy” and “non-violence strategy,” using as an example of the first one the foreign policy activities of the Islamic Republic of Iran to resolve regional conflicts, taking Syria, the Palestinian problem and the Hormuz Peace Initiative as examples. The authors come to the conclusion that Islam considers only “positive peace” to be true peace, capable of ensuring security, a fair world order and universal equality. Iran, guided by the ideological attitudes generated by the Islamic Revolution of 1978-1979 (spirituality, the fight against corruption and economic injustice, the protection of the ‘oppressed’ and the fight against the ‘oppressors,’ the rejection of violence in social movements, the elimination of social discrimination, governance based on the people’s decision), seeks to introduce Islamic principles into its foreign policy practice, particularly in the Middle East. However, with a number of Arab countries in the region pursuing anti-Iranian policies, some of Tehran’s initiatives remained unrealized and did not gain support. Nevertheless, in the current context where the Western-centric world order is being revised, it is more relevant than ever to explore alternative approaches to conflict resolution and to identify their advantages and significance, based on practical examples that already exist.
Daniyal Ranjbar
RUDN University
Email: 1042215113@rudn.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1619-3383
Assistant, Department of Theory and History of International Relations
Olga Chikrizova
RUDN University
Email: chikrizova-os@rudn.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1678-0967
PhD (History), Associate Professor, Department of Theory and History of International Relations
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