Assessing the Obstacles of Regional Integration in the Horn of Africa: the Case of IGAD




Since the independence of the continent, there have been failed attempts to industrialize it using import-substitution policy, which gave rise to the idea of regional integration as an instrument to facilitate structural transformation in Africa. Consequently, African countries have embraced regional integration as an essential element of their development strategies principally driven by the economic rational of overcoming the restraint of small and fractioned economies working in isolation. The establishment of the Organization for African Unity (OAU) in 1963 believed to contribute to many integration initiatives. Even after the transformation of OAU to AU, leaders of the continent once again emphasized their dedication to the idea of regional integration. Obviously, even in the future the issue will continue to be one of the main economic agendas of the continent as there is a widely shared belief that regional cooperation is crucial to tackle development challenges that cannot be addressed at a national level. The cardinal objective of this paper is to assess the obstacles of regional integration in the Horn of Africa. Hence, the findings show that political instability, conflicts, overlapping membership and weak infrastructure are the main challenges for regional integration in East Africa.


Bewuketu Gardachew

Bahir Dar University

Assistant Professor and Researcher, Department of Political Science and International Studies Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Gebeyehu Kefale

Bahir Dar University

Assistant Professor and Researcher, Department of Social Anthropology Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Getahun Antigegn

Bahir Dar University

Assistant Professor and Researcher, Department of Political Science and International Studies Bahir Dar, Ethiopia


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版权所有 © Gardachew B.D., Kefale G.M., Antigegn G.K., 2019

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