


The article touches upon the specifics of the development of Russian-Iranian cultural ties at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. Over the past 25 years, these relations have significantly intensified mainly as a result of a purposeful and state-funded policy of the leadership of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which ensures the spread of Iranian-Islamic culture and the Persian language in the world, including in Russia. At the same time, Iran resists penetration of any cultural influence “alien to Islamic values”, which requires a carefully thought-out approach in promoting the achievements of Russian culture on its territory. Russia regards Iran as an influential regional force and a geopolitical ally for strengthening stability in the region and a multipolar world. Development of ties with Iran at this stage is a priority in the militarytechnical, scientific-educational, trade and economic spheres. Cultural cooperation with Iran at the state level is not given independent significance and the role of some favorable background is assigned. There is an underestimation of the role of the cultural factor in shaping the structure of Russia’s strategic interaction with the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Alexander Polishchuk

Moscow State Linguistic University


PhD in History, Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Languages and the Department of History and Geography of the Faculty of Translation of Moscow State Linguistic University, Director of the Center for Language and Culture of Iran of Moscow State Linguistic University

Aida Soboleva

International Federation of Journalists and the Union of Journalists of Russia


a member of the International Federation of Journalists and the Union of Journalists of Russia, the executive secretary of the magazine “Irano-Slavica”, correspondent of the Russian Service of the Radio “Voice of Iran” and the portal

Riabi Karimi

Tehran University


PhD in Philology, Assistant Professor of Russian Studies of the Faculty of World Studies of Tehran University (Iran)


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版权所有 © Polishchuk A.I., Soboleva A.S., Karimi R.E., 2018

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