Russia - Africa. Klondike of Interaction. Interview with Leonid L. Fituni, Institute of African Studies




Professor Leonid L. Fituni was born on the 27th of September 1953. He graduated from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, MFA of the USSR in 1975. He is Deputy Director of the Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Concurrently, he heads the Center for Strategic and Global Studies there. He is the author of 18 books and about 300 articles, is fluent in English, French and Arabic. Interview with Doctor of Economics, Professor L.L. Fituni is devoted to the most topical issues of Russian-African relations, as well as key features of interaction in historical perspective. According to Leonid Leonidovich, at the moment we can not say that these relations are at their peak, however, there can be traced a certain rise in the past decade. Professor also touches upon Russian debt relief to African countries and the presence of Russian business on the African continent. L.L. Fituni in details describes the economic potential of African countries and the prospects for cooperation with Russia. Particular attention is paid to the world scientific schools of African research and training in this area, including the national school of African studies.


Ol'ga Gerasimova



  1. Abramova I.O., Fituni L.L., 2015. Afrika i Rossiya: perspektivy sotrudnichestva v novykh isto-richeskikh usloviyakh. [Africa and Russia: prospects of cooperation under the new historical condi-tions]. Vestnik Rossiiskogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta im. G.V. Plekhanova, No 6, pp. 141—150.
  2. Fituni L.L., 2012. Differentsiatsiya razvivayushchikhsya stran i novaya arkhitektura mirovoi ekonomiki (Voprosy teorii). [The differentiation of the developing countries and the new architecture of the world economy (Theory Questions)]. Aziya i Afrika segodnya, no. 10, pp. 9—18.

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