New Great Game of the Western powers in the Sahel region




This article examines and analyzes the role of Western countries in the process of destabilization of the Sahel region. The author describes in detail the process of legitimizing the invasion of the Western powers in the countries of Africa, revealing the sequence of events related to this phenomenon, as well as the totality of its consequences. The article highlighted and described a number of trends that have emerged as a result of the new “Great Game” and define the dynamics of the world order. Special attention is paid to the issue of fighting terrorism, as required in-depth study. The paper presents in detail the metamorphosis of armed movements and groups in the region, from the Algerian slaughter and before the revolution in Libya, accompanied by their strengthening and growing influence on the level of participants in the civil war to the threat of global proportions. Author resumes that in the end, the new "Great Game" caused a violation of the principle of sovereignty, redefining the ways of development of states, spoofing the direction of development from the maintenance of security and stability of the political process to the vulnerability and violence including all that is associated with the image of the post-colonial state.


Barry Hassimiu

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Moscow, Russia


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