London Model of Multicultural Development: Urban Administrative Initiatives and Cultural Integration of Ethnic Minorities




London is among most culturally diverse cities in Europe and in the world. This paper will investigate ethnic cultural integration of immigrants within the city's social space. Firstly the paper explores multi-cultural political inclusion strategies of London administration, municipal service provision and policy and cultural integration programs both on the city level and locally in London boroughs. Secondly this paper raises the question of the initiatives of ethnic minorities, the issue of ghettoisation and linguistic segregation of the city and analyzes the impact of such integration on social city space. The paper also analyses the preparation to Olympic Games 2012 in London as they are presented as cultural cohesion element.


A Berson

Saint-Petersburg State University

Кафедра гуманитарных связей; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет; Saint-Petersburg State University


版权所有 © Berson A.B., 2011

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