Origins of Anti-Americanism in Europe




The Article is devoted to analyzing the origin of a phenomenon known as Anti-Americanism among the countries of Europe, which are considered the most loyal allies of the United States of America today. The origins of European Anti-Americanism go back to the very early ages of the existence of the first thirteen colonies. The second stage of development of anti-Americanism began with attempt of the first thirteen colonies to overthrow the tyranny of the British. Another reason for the lack of faith in the United States was that European elite was very much concerned with its lack of culture. Another reason for worries in Europe was the war between the United States and the Spanish. In the beginning of the XX century, Americans were not active enough in the sphere of international relations to give many reasons for hatred to the world. The roots of modern anti-Americanism have emerged mostly from this point - when USA became a superpower and was following the rules of the Cold War. Author concludes that anti-Americanism is a big obstacle in the way of successful interaction with the United States.


A Eremin

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

The Department of Theory and History of International Relations


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