The Problem of Partisanship in American Foreign Policy Book Review: Gries P.H. The Politics of American Foreign Policy: How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs Stanford, California: Stanford University press, 2014. 367 p.
- 作者: Sokov I.A.1
- Volgograd State University
- 期: 卷 15, 编号 3 (2015): International Political Science. Conflict Studies. Greater Middle East
- 页面: 236-241
- 栏目: Articles
- URL:
This publication is the review on the book of Peter Hays Gries “The Politics of American Foreign Policy: How Ideology Divides Liberals and Conservatives over Foreign Affairs”. The book consists of Preface, Introduction, the Text from two parts: Part I “Concepts” includes 5 chapters, Part II “Cases” also includes 5 chapters and four of them description the relations of the USA with the world regions: Latin America, Europe, the Middle East, the South Asia and the last chapter - relations with the international organizations. The end of the text is the Conclusion. Besides the text of book consists of 100 illustrations and 2 charts. The Preface was written by David Lyle Boren, the President of Oklahoma University and the US Ex-Senator (1979-1994), where he was at the head of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and he knows the topic which the author of monograph studies. The problems is studied by P.H. Gries are interested by the native specialists, who studies the international relations. This book is recommended to students, post-graduate students, scientists and all of them who are interested by the problems of international relations.
Il'ya Sokov
Volgograd State University
The Department of International Relations and Area Studies