Prospects of Renewable Energies Evolution in the Context of EU Energy Policy




Generally, EU countries are not provided with sufficient amount of energy resources to satisfy an internal energy demand. According to this, such issues as country's energy security, usage of new energy sources, its economy and environmental consequences of irrational use of energy resources are becoming more acute. The article is devoted to various kinds of alternative energy sources, in particular, "green energy" and the issue of increasing use of renewable energy sources. The main goal of the publication is to analyze the energy policy of the EU countries, the expansion of renewable energy potential as the most energy-efficient sources.


- Amel Ghediri

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Кафедра международных экономических отношений; Российский университет дружбы народов; Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


版权所有 © Amel Ghediri -., 2012

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