US Foreign Policy as a Factor of Rapprochement between Russia and China




The article presents the foreign policy course of the USA towards Russia and China, as well as bilateral U.S.-Russian and U.S.-Chinese cooperation. The author attempts to discover the main reasons and retrace the process of rapprochement between Russia and China in the context of the Washington’s foreign policy implementation on the world stage. Analyzing the particular foreign policy steps of the U.S. since the late 1990s up to the events of 2014, the author focuses on the fact that Washington’s global foreign policy strategy not only meets the national interests of Russia and China, but also poses a threat to their national security. This is an additional factor for rapprochement between Moscow and Beijing both in bilateral relations and issues on a global basis. Consequently, the author concludes that the U.S. foreign policy causes the rapprochement between Russia and China, which should be considered as a strategically well-targeted step of the both states, based on the desire to achieve mutually beneficial cooperation and support, the similarity of positions on many international issues and common approaches to adaptation in a changing world order.


M Kabasakalova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Theory and History of International Relations Chair


版权所有 © Kabasakalova M.G., 2015

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