No 4 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 15
- URL:
Accuracy in construction of metal space framed roofs and its predicting
The paper gives general characteristics of accuracy in constructing metal space frames. It analyzes the main causes of errors and their effect on the accuracy of assembly of the structures. The author suggests to determine errors in space frames by using a numerical computer simulation of their construction. The program, created by the author of the paper, is based on Monte-Carlo method. The description of the program algorithms is given in the paper.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):5-12

The modeling of the thermohydrodynamic regime of Moshkovichevski bay of Ivankovskoye reservoir as water cooler
Numerical three-dimensional modeling of Moshkovichevsky bay of Ivankovskoye reservoir allows to estimate the influence of thermal inflow of the electric power station Konakovskaya and different wind directions to thermohydrodynamic structure of the bay.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):13-20

Area of oil in crystallics basement of Tatarskiy arc
The article considers the version of the possible sources of replenishment hydrocarbons sedimentary sequence Romashkinskoye field (Tatarstan, Russia), given deposit. Speaking about the structure framing the Tatar coving, features of their buildings and prerequisites to search those hydrocarbons. In the end the author says about the prospects elaboration of Romashkinskoye field.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):21-26

Probability of emergency for the destruction of gas hydrate deposits at Baikal
We consider the dynamics of a manifestation of hydrates on the lake. Baikal for the development of science-based technological and technical measures to prevent the abnormal emissions of methane from gas hydrate deposits, as well as minimize the impact of emergencies on the waters and coastal areas. The classification of the lake deposits of gas hydrate deposits. Baikal is the degree of danger.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):27-35

Global latitudinal lineament system and its possible origin
Origin of the proved global latitudinal lineament system presumably in “pregeologicall” stage of the Earth’s total melting on due of convective flows and Kariolis forces combination is argued with attracting of well studied processes into nonsolid revolving heavenly bodies. It is shown, that forming of dominate meridional extended and compressed Phanerozoic and Late Proterozoic belts can be related with flows of corresponding directional into liquid Earth’s core, created by the same kind of latitudinal processes.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):41-49

Iodimetry method of endogenous deposits search
The article deals with the theoretical background for the application of iodometry search of endogenous deposits, particularly the behavior of iodine above the ore bodies. Given example of an integrated research of lithogeochemical secondary halos over the porphyry copper deposits and the possibility of using iodometry for chromite ore search.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):50-58

Nature of deep faults in the earth crust and their role in the seismic regime
On the basis of analysis of domestic and foreign researchers explained the origin of deep faults in the earth's crust, and their spatial arrangement. It is shown that the main source of energy for their existence and development, especially the seismic regime are thermal conditions of the subsurface shape and spatial position of irregularities in the body of the earth and its rotation-pulsation mode as a planet.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):59-68

Innovate technology of increasing recoverability of valuable component by associated to the iron deposit Taezhnoe
Besides iron in the ore deposit was found gold, silver, sulfur, copper, cobalt, but the most valuable is the boron. Removing the associated components is due to the benefit of both an economic and an environmental point of view. Recommended methods and solutions help to reduce capital and operating costs relative to conventional methods and machines.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):69-72

Technogenic soil as a long-term factor for spring water contamination (by the example of Moscow region)
In article the results of the research work of series of springs are stated. Regularity of change of spring water quality under the influence of man-caused factors is revealed. Such factors as geological structure of rocks, sorption characteristics, presence of technogenic soil etc., have a significant impact on the presence of contaminants in spring water. The complex approach enables to optimize the actions for spring water pollution prevention.
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):80-88

Axle solid concrete wall using permanent formwork of polystyrene foam
Article deals the results of investigations and thermal performance characteristics of monolithic reinforced concrete exterior walls with the use of expanded polystyrene formwork construction based on actual operating conditions, humidity conditions of building blocks in the multi-cycle and their resistance to alternating temperature and humidity effects. Found that the climatic conditions Vladivostok and Ussuriysk construction and use of polystyrene as a formwork (and therefore insulating layers) allows thermal protection due to regulatory concrete insulation layer on both sides of layers of polystyrene of 7 cm (outer layer) and 5 cm (inner layer).
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):105-114

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Engineering Research. 2013;(4):115-116